The new system will be way less about competing for resources. We are moving towards a reality where infinite accessible means to produce the world we want to live in will be available. The scarcity mindset will be removed from our day-to-day thinking. We will be forced to shift and broaden our perception of how we see everything.
This is why Elon has been talking about using energy from the stars to harness limitless supply of free energy through nuclear fusion.
By capturing stellar material like hydrogen and using it in fusion reactors here on Earth or in space; this is considered a highly advanced technology and is often discussed in the context of a “Type II civilization” on the Kardashev scale, which signifies a civilization capable of harnessing the entire energy output of a star. And this will create our Star Trek world.
Tomorrow could be one for the history books.
Because of course many know by now that the Supreme Court is scheduled to issue a final decision for the year at 10am. But also on Iraq victory day they are supposed to be opening the new Central Bank headquarters.
Will a reinstatement of their current accompany this historic occasion? We will see as we are merely hours away. And what could change the world forever as the system is uprooted from its well planted claws into our lives.
Let’s see what tomorrow has in store for us.