For years I have been amused at the various projections and comments on currency. Especially the Zim bond….especially if a person can find a real one. Printers for a long time were printing duplicates and selling 5 dollar reams of paper for $300 to unsuspecting people who were gobbling them up expecting to be ultra wealthy.
Well, that is still a possibility in the monumental wealth transfer that is about to happen. No, I’m not a guru. I’m just a person that is like everyone else….trying to find facts in a sea of disinformation and wishful thinking.
So, here are some facts. has ZWD at 361.90 Zim per one U.S. dollar. I’ve watched for quite a while. That is a staple rate and for grins, I went online to ask what ZWD physically looks like. And guess what, the pics show exactly what some people have. They have a “bearer bond” and with a quick study on the math, the current exchange rate is….. 276 billion dollars. So is that wishful thinking or a real possibility.
So, why would the gurus be selling the idea that 30 to 50 million is a good deal?
Just saying.
Because that is a might short of 276.2 billion dollars.