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Welcome, everybody, to the big call. It is Friday, July 19, and I’m doing this special call to big call universe, this short ten minute intel call, because we had a malfunction with the recording of the big call for Thursday night. And we did a 1 hour call and I had a ten minute intel segment. So I’m going to recap that and add a little bit of extra intel to that.
Okay, so that’s what we’re doing right now. The intel that we had yesterday was such that we were going to get our, the start of our notifications, the release of everything after President Trump received the nomination for president during the Republic National Convention. And so that occurred. This is where we’re bringing the new information in.
He had a really good speech. It went a little long, but at the very end there was a balloon release of tons and tons of gold balloons. Now, I didn’t stick around to see it, but I know it’s at the very end of his speech. And I thought, well, I got everything that he had said up to that point, and I heard a lot of things that I’d heard before, so I thought I’d check out on the speech.
And what he did was he said, or. This is what our sources have told us. It’s symbolic in two ways, the release of gold balloons. Number one, the release was indicative that all the funds that we’re expecting, bondholders are expecting, intermediaries are expecting, all of that were released at the time of the balloon.
Balloon release. Okay, so that was a big symbolic release. The fact that those balloons were gold was indicative that we are back on the gold standard. So what does that mean for our start?
What it seems to mean, and this is what our sources are telling us, is that we should get notified and be prepared for exchanges on Saturday or Monday. Saturday or Monday. Saturday is tomorrow, right? Today’s still Friday afternoon.
And I apologize that the recording did not properly turn off last night. But the gist of the information is that everything is ready for us to go. And we did get the symbolic release with those gold balloons at the Republican National Convention, which was indicative that funds have been released for everybody, meaning everybody that needed to be, need to receive funds, that would be bondholders, that would be everybody that has not yet been paid out. So that’s what I wanted to share with you guys.
And this is very unusual to do a recording like this on a Friday, but this is just one of those things that happened to the call. So hopefully, everybody will listen to this recording and then we will catch you up essentially with that intel. All right, so thank you for tuning in to this added recording, and hopefully this answers some questions for everybody. All right, so thanks, everybody.
Okay, thank you. God bless.