Member: What does the thumbnail picture mean? Has our ship come in?
MZ: In the past we were told close the RV- peace would suddenly break out in the middle east…The news today about an agreement between Hamas and Israel might be it. It all seems to be coming together.
Member: This puzzle has definitely been challenging to piece together, but man is the final picture going to be gorgeous
Member: Some Gurus are expecting the RV tomorrow.
MZ: I am not. Most of what I am seeing – is around the 21st and 22nd.
Member: Tony said that the RV switch will be flip in 24 hrs and the 24 hrs has already started
Member: Was the third reading of Iraq’s budget today?
MZ: it was not today. I was told it was now scheduled for Sunday
Member: 3rd reading or not, doesn’t it become law 15 days after the 2nd reading?
Member: Frank26 said they don’t need a third reading because they are only voting on an amendment and the rest of the bill was already passed
MZ: “Parliament to add amendment clause to next Sunday’s agenda” so this Sunday they do the last reading. .
MZ: “Parliamentary Finance: Customs and Taxes can take a toll on building the budget” They are looking at streamlining their customs and tarrifs they are already charging so that the tax burden is not so bad for their people. This is a lot like Nesara/Gesara.
Member: Kind of looks like everything is waiting on the completion of the Inauguration including the RV
Member: IMO Iraq’s not getting anything done. They’re not doing anything because they already finished everything. What they’re doing is, Iraq has a scheduled rate change
Member: Newshound Guru Jeff : The government and parliament finished everything they needed to towards revaluing the currency bank as of September 28th. That was their last productive real session of parliament
Member: Saw where XRP honored at Bank of America now?
Member: Boy oh boy what a day! Weren’t ISO 20022 Coins supposed to start the whole daisy chain of events that is about to unfold? GO XRP, XLM, XDC!!
Member: Mark, I hope you dont mind, but I started the Whiskey portion of the evening a little early.. Bring on the Wisdom!