I was showing a manager at Capital One the other day all the accounts on X some who I know have Iraqi Dinar. On how people want this to be a scam more than they want me or my followers to be right about holding it for an ROI.
And this manager already has multiple SKRs from investors he is ready to manage once the new exchange rate is released. I live in the real world. Where results are real-time. Face to face contact with banking offers or services to help compound on your capital.
Online opinions remain a virtual remnants of ideas confined to a digital space that has no bearing on organic human interactions with tangible applications. This is something detractors underestimate. IQD is not a stock. Buying it will not raise the price.
Meaning nobody is currently marking up rates on X who are not selling this currency to you but only giving you a heads up on what will happen once the CBI decides it is the right time to reinstate their currency at parity level with the US dollar. Which is designed to level the playing field for all countries.