Thurs. 18 Aug. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#
If you are a Zim holder they would put all of your exchange into a Quantum Account. You would have access to 1% of your total exchange in a Primary Account. 30 days later you would have access to another 11% of your total exchange. There will be 9 traunches of 11% access of your total exchange during a ten month period.
That Primary Account would be interest bearing and be at the bank of your choice.
If you do not have Zim you would have 100% of your exchange available at your appointment.
Bond Holders were looking at having liquidity by next Monday 22 Aug.
The General Public should start on Tues. 23 Aug. or Wed. 24 Aug.
One source said we would be seeing some major activity in the next two days (over the weekend).
The Quantum System has been integrated, but not completely. It is supposed to be fully implemented by 5pm EST Fri. 19 Aug.
At 10:30 Fri. 19 Aug. the Redemption Center Staff will begin working.