Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It’s Thursday, March 27th? Yeah, March 27th. The old calendar in the head, and you’re listening to the Big Call.
Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Good to have you again, and we look forward to having a great call. Got some interesting things to tell you when my segment comes around.
But before we get there, let’s go ahead and pray the call in, and then we’ll go to Sue for what should be a wonderful teaching that she’s found for us that we can discuss and use to edify us tonight. So let’s pray. Lord God, we just thank you so much for all that you’re doing in our lives to provide for us, to heal us, to keep us safe, to prepare us for what will be a wonderful blessing which we’re really looking forward to receiving in due season.
For Bruce Big Call (Thursday. 27 March. 2025) Audio — Click here
To Read Text (Uncut) Version of Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel [Thursday. 27 March. 2025] — Click here
All right, let’s talk about where we stand on the rest of the story with the Intel that we’ve been getting. A lot’s been happening this week, a lot, especially since Tuesday.
And you know, it’s funny, I tend to start either with Iraq or with the bondholders, and I’ll start with bondholders. Bondholders are being told that they’ll have access to their accounts, which has the money in the accounts already waiting for them to gain access to it, and it should be over the weekend. It could very well be Saturday.
I doubt they’ll have it before Saturday, but I think that’s probably a safe bet from what we’re hearing from the bond paymasters. Now, one good thing that did happen, you know, what’s happening is even though bonds are only being handled out of Reno and out of Miami, with international flights coming in, resuming again to Sparks Reno Airport and Miami International Airport on the private side, you know, for people that are international bondholders in Tier 3, some of them are whales, maybe not quite Tier 2, but you know, pretty good-sized whales that are coming in and getting their bonds transacted. Well, today they went through all of the bonds out of a central location, and they report back to Wells Fargo Atlanta for this.
And so Atlanta is telling us that, well, I’ll back up a minute. At 10 o’clock this morning, approximately 12% of the bondholders had been gone through in terms of the provenance, the fact that, okay, who is the owner of this bond? Is the owner transacting or is someone transacting on behalf of the owner of the bond as a second party that has a legal right to do that? A power of attorney over that bond? And how is that going? Is that something that is happening lawfully and above board? Or are there certain bonds and gold-backed bonds that they cannot match up to the actual owner of the bond or to a power of attorney for someone who is negotiating that bond? I mean, this type of activity was going on all day today and maybe started yesterday, but I know I got word just before the call tonight that they actually went through and finished all of those that they were trying to find out the legitimacy of the provenance of the bonds as I described. Well, that’s good.
So that part looks like it’s complete. And that’s something that we actually give value to when we begin our exchanges. It’s a weird formula of how that’s all working.
So I guess we can say from the bond component of everything that’s happening, it looks like it’s in good shape and it’s complete. But they are continuing to test other processes for the revaluation and the releases of the RV, if you will, the releases of everything that we need to begin our exchanges. The actual full revaluation is supposed to happen a little bit later after the first week or so of April.
But we don’t need all the currencies to be revalued for us to begin our exchanges because the majority of what we’re hearing from a very key player, we’ve heard a couple of different things today. And one of the things was that the Iraqi Dinar, the Vietnamese Dong, and the Zimbabwe Zim dollar, we call it the Zimbabwe dollar, it’s a Zim, we call it for short. That Zim, those three currencies are the keys to the gateway for our exchanges.
So those three, the gate has been opened. Those three are good to go and because of that, we are good to get started. Okay, so that’s a good thing.
Let’s see, beyond that, they’re testing, you know, we’re at the highest security we can be right now. We’re at, let’s see, what’s it called? Well, where one is the lowest number is actually the highest security. And that’s where we are, DEF CON, DEF COM, COM CON, DEF CON 1. DEF CON 1, that’s where they are right now, which is good.
That means everything’s on high alert, high security, and needs to be there until this event is at least initiated. Now, who’s in control of what’s going on right now? Department of Defense, DOD, in conjunction with President Trump, and also in conjunction with national security. What they’re doing is they’re going through this process and these processes of release is they’re determining, is there anything in the way? Nothing is supposed to stop it once it’s initiated.
Is there anything that would interfere with this going? And as it goes through those various steps, they use algorithms, other things that are put in the pathway to make sure that everything is above board and copacetic. And that’s what’s happening now. So, let’s boil it down to what’s going on.
We believe, from what I’m hearing from multiple sources, that I mentioned the bondholders should get access to their funds over the weekend, and we’re hoping that is Saturday. We’re believing we could get notified and begin to set our appointments possibly as early as tomorrow, but more likely Saturday or Sunday. So, we’re going to be pretty close to a true shotgun start, looking for the weekend right now.
And the other thing they were doing this afternoon is they were loading the 800 number, I’m going to say number assuming it’s just one, could be more than one, but I believe the 800 number is being loaded into the various systems, the Starlink system, the QFS, the FinTech system, wherever it needs to be loaded, it’s being loaded in this afternoon to get that done.
You know, you could see your own email coming from Wells Fargo over the weekend, and then we could be sending ours at the same time, or a little before, a little after, it’s hard to say the timing, because I don’t have the timing on the Wells Fargo emails yet. And of course, this is our last call of the week, so I’ll have to say that we’ll hopefully get this over the weekend, and then maybe if we do a celebration call on Tuesday, we can regroup and talk about some things then. So, in short, we’re looking good as everything is coming together.
Let’s talk about dates. Remember the 2nd of April, which helped me with, I believe it’s Tuesday, is, let’s see, what’s it called? What’s the name of it? It’s not Freedom Day, but it’s like that. And it’s a date that is important for us, because starting then, that’s when the tariffs are supposed to be made official, and then put into effect on the next day, which is Wednesday.
Liberation Day. Thank you, you got it, Bob. Freedom, Liberation, it’s a crazy go.
Liberation Day is exactly right. Thank you, Bob. That’s what it is.
Liberation Day. And a lot of people think, well, that’s when we’re going to start, that’s when the RV happens. Well, we think we’re going to get started before that day, but Liberation Day is the day that the DOJ checks and direct deposits are supposed to start, because that week, that first week in April, is when that is supposed to happen, and in the month of April, not necessarily the first week, but in the month of April, we are supposed to see an increase in the Social Security payments that are going out.
I don’t know if it’s going to go out as a separate payment, or whether Social Security on the Wednesday, when everybody gets it, the Wednesday of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wednesday of the month, they might have it together where that will be increased on your regular Social Security day, which let’s see, 1st Wednesday would be the 3rd, wouldn’t it? So it would be what, the 3rd, the 10th, the 17th, and 24th. Those would be your four Wednesdays in the month of April. Okay, so we should see it, from what I’m being told from Social Security, we should see that in April.
I just don’t know if it’s going to happen, like I said, on the 3rd, the 10th, the 17th, or the 24th. But we’ll see, keep an eye on that. Now, to deal with R & R, I’ve told you guys for two months now at least, that R & R is going to happen for those of us who are exchanging at the Redemption Center.
It’ll be there, and it’s probably an amount that they would put into our Quantum account, but they’re supposed to tell us what the amount is. They won’t break the amount down. It’ll be a gross amount, whatever it is, single lump sum payment for those of us who go in to redeem our ZIM and exchange our currencies.
So we’ll have that when we go in. I’d rather have it separate, but that’s how they’re going to do it. Now, can you move that money? You can move money from your Quantum account into your Wells Fargo primary or secondary accounts, and at some point you’ll be able to set up other bank accounts that are connected to your Quantum account, where you’d use your Quantum card to move funds from that Quantum account to your primary or secondary Wells accounts or to another bank account.
My understanding was you could have up to three different banks associated with your Quantum account. All right, so we’ll learn more about that when we get there. I’m trying to think if there’s anything else of value to us.
So, R&R at the Redemption Center, those checks or direct deposits starting on April 2nd. Yes, April 2nd is Liberation Day. And then, of course, we go from there and Social Security probably on the Wednesdays starting the third.
And we’ll see how that works out. We’ll see how that happens. And as far as the exchanges for us, it looks like we’re going to get our notifications over the weekend and maybe even start Saturday or Sunday and go right through Monday.
It’s hard to say. Monday is still the 31st of March. So we still have a few days, in which case we could get started this month.
I am not hearing that we will have to wait until the second or third to do our exchanges. I’m not hearing that. I’m hearing that this could go and should be going over this weekend for us.
So that’s where I am on the thing right now, looking forward to it, and don’t know if there’s anything else of value there.
Let me just crank this thing up. Okay. Lord God, thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for us to prepare us for this time in our lives.
Thank you for fulfilling the timeline for us, dropping this email and numbers into us at the proper time so we can set our appointments at the Redemption Center. We thank you that the rates are solid at the Redemption Centers already, even though they’re fluctuating on bank screens, but they’re not fluctuating. They’re solid at the Redemption Centers.
And thank you for that, Lord. Thank you that things are moving forward. Thank you for everything that’s going on behind the scenes.
And thank you for our lives as good stewards of this great fortune that’s coming our way. Thank you that we can be great stewards of the blessing as it comes into us and use it to help level humanity all around the globe for years and years to come. Thank you for all you’ve done in our lives.
We appreciate you, love you, and we honor you in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen. All right, guys.
Everybody have a great weekend. Keep an eye on your emails. Get in touch with Sue and get in touch with Boomer’s online to put a little order together.
All right, here we go. Good night, everybody. God bless.
Note: This report is intended solely for general guidance and information purposes. It is not to be used or considered as financial or investment advice, a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities or other financial assets.