Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It’s Tuesday, March 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call. Thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you’re located all around the globe.
Thank you for that and before we go to Sue for what will be a really inspiring teaching for all of us, let’s go ahead and pray the call in. There we go. Heavenly Father we just thank you so much for everything that’s happening.
Everything is behind the scenes that’s going on. Everything that we know about and can share tonight on the call and thank you for the safe return of our two astronauts, the Russian cosmonaut and the other astronaut that came back with our two tonight and they got in safe and sound and splashed down in the Gulf of America and thank you for their safe return and that thank you that President Trump and Elon Musk put that rescue mission together so that they could get up there and get these guys and bring them all back and thank you for that mini miracle in and of itself, probably not mini, but thank you for everything that you’re doing in our lives. Thank you for this blessing.
For Bruce Big Call (Tuesday. 18 March. 2025) Audio — Click here
To Read Text (Uncut) Version of Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel [Tuesday. 18 March. 2025] — Click here
Let’s talk about what we’re hearing about us.
Now, we have several sources. We did get to hear from three different categories of sources so far today. And I’m excited to say that it appears that they’re all in alignment.
They’re in consensus. One might be a Redemption Center leader. One might be someone who has very close ties to President Trump and his organization.
And so they’re all saying the same thing right now. And that is that we should be notified. I’m going to say should.
Should be notified tomorrow with our 800 numbers in the emails that are coming from Wells Fargo. And we should set our appointments tomorrow for Thursday. And then exchanges would begin on Thursday, the first day of spring, the Vernal Equinox.
Interesting timing. Now, I’ve got one source at a Redemption Center that is saying that notifications would happen anytime after 10:30 in the morning tomorrow. The other source is saying don’t be so time sensitive.
It could happen that times tend to change for this kind of a thing. So don’t put a time on it, but it is supposed to be tomorrow that we get our notifications. And set appointments for this to start on Thursday.
And then you’d go Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, all the way through. All the way through. Most Redemption Centers would be open every day, including Sunday, for 14 days.
Some will go longer, 18, 19 days. Some will be shorter. They don’t have that many currency holders in their area or that many ZIM holders.
They might go eight or nine days. But most markets will go about two weeks. So that’s good.
If you know anybody traveling, they’ll be able to set their appointment and catch that when they get back. Whether they’re in the hospital, whether they’re traveling, and they’re on a cruise or whatever, they’ll be able to set an appointment and then, of course, allow for the time that they need to get home and get settled and then get to their appointment the next day or whatever. So it’s very encouraging because, Lord knows, we’ve waited very patiently for everything to manifest.
And I’m excited about where we are and the timing of this. And I find it interesting that a lot of good things have happened already today and a lot of good things should be happening for us tomorrow. And then Thursday should be an absolute abundance of activity for us.
I don’t think there’s anything I need to bring up about the exchange itself other than make sure that you call, set your appointment, be no more than 10 minutes early to your appointment, and don’t be late for your appointment or you might get taken to the back of the line. You miss your appointment time, man, you don’t want to be that person, but just don’t get there more than 10 minutes before your appointment time, okay? Because that way you’re not pushing them. That way, if you can get in a couple minutes early, they can do it.
Otherwise, you come at your appointed time and get it done and go. Everybody, they’re allowing about 30 to 40 minutes for us to get all of these things done. And I think that’s going to be adequate unless you’ve got a box or two of bonds.
And there are people that are going to be bringing in bonds to the Redemption Center. Let them know when you call to set your appointment, when you get transferred from the call center to the Redemption Center, and you talk to a live, living, breathing person that, oh, by the way, not only do I have blah, blah, blah currencies, but I also have bonds. And tell them which ones you’ve got.
I’ve got some German bonds. I’ve got some Red Dragon bonds. I’ve got Yellow Dragon bonds.
I’ve got such and such bonds. Let them know approximately how many you have, and they can prepare for that and make sure they have a bond guy there that can handle those for you. The other good thing that’s happening is the crypto coins are being integrated into the QFS system and the Starlink satellite system.
And there is a rhyme or reason to the cryptos being there to help back the value of our USN. And there’s a relationship between a couple of the coins that is allowing for more accessibility and transfer and so on using this blockchain technology that will allow them to be more convertible, I believe. And I’m not sure how all five coins are going to come together, but it may be there may be a consolidation in the future.
It may be all five stand on their own and are integrated through the blockchain technology to be usable as a means of exchange. But we’ll see how that all comes together. We know that there’s a cryptocurrency reserve.
And that is part of what President Trump brought out, like what, two weeks ago or so, so that it can be utilized to help back the value of our currency. And I say currency, I’m talking about the United States Treasury note, USTN, our physical spending folding money, and the USN, our digital version, which is what will be on the screens, USN. So we have quite a bit to look forward to.
I think the exchanges are going to be don’t blink or you’ll miss something. There’s a lot of steps in this thing to get done in 35, 40 minutes max. That’s what they’re thinking, maximum.
It’s not a time to tell your life story. It’s only a time to, if you have time to do your presentation, it might not be five to eight minutes, it could be three to five minutes. So work on getting it out, consolidated, clear.
And I think they will appreciate it and you’ll appreciate the rapidity of how quickly they’re going to move you through this thing. You are not changing stations, like some people have said in the past. You are staying put, they’re coming to you.
And you should have four people, pretty much three or four people that you’re going to be working with. And they may bring a new person here or a new person there as you move through the different steps in the exchange. You got the Q phone they should be giving you for free at the end.
Take it home, learn about it, set it up. There’s a, what do you call it? It’s a, you should have a sheet of PERKS, P-E-R-K-S, PERKS benefits that the bank will want you to know about. Maybe you’ll take advantage of some of them.
They’re not supposed to be taxable to you. They are supposed to be free to you for being, you know, a valued currency holder and essentially a strong bank account holder with Wells Fargo. And other banks will have PERKS too if you decide that you want to put some money in up to three different banks connected to your Quantum account card.
Okay. That’s going to be the biggie. And maybe you want to shorten the process just a little bit by coming up with a brand new username and password for your Quantum card.
Now, what I don’t know is how many characters does it need to be? I know it’s got to be at least eight for the password and maybe more. And then for your password and your username, I don’t know how long that’s going to need to be too. But if you want to practice on a couple of those, get that going.
Your five-digit PIN, that’s not a big thing. You can come up with that right away. And then, of course, your new email.
They will like a brand new Gmail email for you and your password for that. And then your biometric thumb or fingerprint. There are six steps, really.
These are six points of the Quantum account that you’re setting up and getting a Quantum access card with about three times the thickness of a credit card with three chips in it. One, I’m sure, will store your biometric and some other personal information. And the other two, I think, are account-related.
So it’ll be something that you’ll want to keep very, very safe. Very safe in a safe place. You don’t bring it out except to use it to move money from your Quantum account to your primary or secondary bank accounts.
So initially, you’ll move money on day one at the Redemption Center that will hold you for 60 days. After that, you’ve got carte blanche. I understand you’ll be able to move more money as you need.
And remember, you’re being paid interest on the money that’s in your primary or secondary Wells Fargo accounts. I’m using Wells Fargo because they’re the ones that are over the exchanges in the United States. If you’re up in Canada, you’re using HSBC, Scotiabank, and I believe they have merged with Royal Bank of Canada, RBC.
So you’ve got those two main banks. And then, of course, globally, you’ve got HSBC in most other parts of the world. And then in Latin America, you have Banco Santander, which is Santander Bank.
Santander Bank, I believe, is also in Mexico and all the rest of Latin America. And they are a Tier-1 bank, and they are a good bank to work with in Latin America. A lot of people already know that bank down there. But that’s really the bulk of the information.
So let’s do this. That’s what I’ve got for tonight, you guys. Gosh, I’m excited about the possibility of tomorrow.
I really am, and I hope this goes through just like we’ve heard. So let’s do this. Let’s pray the call out and seal it.
Lord God, we just thank you so much for everything that you’ve done in our lives to take us to this point, to prepare us for this. This is going to be the greatest, gosh, the greatest turnover of wealth in the history of the world, and we’re part of it. You’ve chosen us to be part of it, and we’re excited that we can be part of it and be good stewards of the blessing that is coming.
Help us to make good quality decisions on how to give and who to give to, how to do it, and make it so quiet that our left hand doesn’t know what our right hand is doing. Help us to be smart, to be kind, to be loving, and to be the people that you’ve created us to be. Thank you for all that you’ve done so far and what you’ll continue to do for us well into our future.
Thank you for everything. Bless us, keep us, help us, strengthen us. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen.
Well, everybody, have a great night tonight. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. Thursday, if we get our numbers tomorrow and we set appointments, we start on Thursday.
We’ll probably have a short celebration call on Thursday night. Everybody take care and have a great day. God bless you.
Note: This report is intended solely for general guidance and information purposes. It is not to be used or considered as financial or investment advice, a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities or other financial assets.