Dinar Guru Updates


Article "The Central Bank: The assets of the banking sector grew by 21% in two years"  Quote "He added, "Accounts...

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Article:   "A large sum of money was seized in the possession of a foreign passenger at Najaf Airport"   If he...

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    The last 36 hours has been very, very quiet…It’s like we hit a “silence” wall.  Hopefully that is a...

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Hearing some very very very interesting rumors regarding the Iraqi dinar.  I'm not sure how much credence I should give...

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  I think we are finally hearing from Iraq...that they will be seating their government – their Parliament – their...

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   I can tell you that anytime in the past the countries that revalued their currencies and had large denomination...

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FIREFLY:  Bank friend just talked about the ATMs and they are a sign of things that will be coming...they have...

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  ...the concept that we’ve had of having Christmas in July appears to be something this year that could finally...

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