
Article:  "Baghdad and Washington emphasize support for Iraqi banking reform efforts"  What gets me is how close Washington is really...

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Article:  "Parliamentary finance suggests when the dollar price will stabilize at the official price"  As much as they talk about...

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Iraq does have goods that it exports but they have to get this going...They are having to import more than...

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There's really not a whole lot going on in Iraq.  We keep monitoring it.  We're really just waiting for the...

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Iraq's doing everything they can to just tread water for now and doing a pretty good job if you ask...

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There seems to be a lot of stalling happening when it comes to the budget and I'm wondering if they're...

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CBDC...In case you didn't know it looks like this July is when they're gonna launch ...Everybody keeps asking me, 'If...

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Article: "Parliament finance reveals the deadline for approving the budget"  the decline has now been pushed to the end of...

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There is no in-country/out-country special rate.  I don't care what the hell people tell you.  All you have to do...

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