
Article:  "A foreign newspaper: The Americans contacted the Sudanese more than (ten) times about the exchange rate and the smuggling...

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Article:  "How did the US “shock policy” affect the price of the dollar in Iraq?"  Quote:  "A report published by...

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"The dollar has gone down... the dollar has gone down"... cheers from the audience as Al-Sudani entered the Basra stadium" ...

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Article: "Economic: Reducing the price of the dollar outside the ability of the government and the central bank"  IMO: This...

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Article: "Obelisk Clock: Al-Maliki remains the strongest person in decision-making.. There are no differences between the framework and the Sudanese"

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Article:  "Including Iraq..Three countries will record the highest economic growth in 2023"   Quote:  "Despite the decline in the economic...

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Article: "Iraq among most prominent countries to buy gold in 2022"  Quote: "Gold reserves in Iraq represent 8.7 percent of...

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Question:  "I thought the Parliments legislative term started on the 9th?" There's been a LOT of misinformation back and forth...Lots...

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Article:  "20,000 dinars denomination.. The Central Bank talks about issuing a new currency: counterfeiting is a development"  Quote:  "Last September,...

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Article: "No agreement with the region.. Expectations to settle the draft budget for 2023"  Quote: "Suleiman attributed the reasons for...

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Article: "The population of Iraq for the year 2022 amounted to more than 42 million"  Quote: "He pointed out that...

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Article: "Economist: Central Bank policy failed and printed 40 trillion dinars of a new category" Quote: "He stressed that the...

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Article:  "Parliamentary Committee: The fluctuation of the dollar price is the most important obstacle to approving the 2023 budget"  Quote: ...

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Article: "The Civil Aviation Authority issues an important decision regarding the vaccination certificate"  Quote: “Based on the instructions issued by...

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Article "Central Bank of Euphrates News: No denomination will be withdrawn from the Iraqi currency, and the 20,000 is in...

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