
Article:  "Al-Nusairi announces the release of his new book, "The Central Bank of Iraq...The Journey of Challenges and Achievements 2003-2022" ...

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Article:  "Iraq is no longer obligated to receive oil revenues from the US Federal Reserve"  The Shackles of Chapter VII...

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Article:  "Jordan: Baghdad supplied Amman with 3.4 million barrels of oil at a "preferential price"  Quote: "The official Jordanian News...

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Article:  "Parliamentary Finance: job grades and confirmation of contracts in the 2023 budget"  Quote:   "The Parliamentary Finance Committee expected, on...

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Article Quote "The British Financial Times newspaper published an article...about...the theft of $2.5 billion in Iraq...according to the Ministry of...

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Article:  "Industry: Five thousand plants will start production in the coming years". Quote:  "The aforementioned factories, which were granted regular...

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Article:  "Basra Gas announces that its production has increased to 1000 million standard cubic meters per day" Quote:  "Gas production...

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Article:  "Basra Gas announces that its production has increased to 1000 million standard cubic meters per day" Quote:  "Gas production...

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Article "In numbers... an unprecedented value for Iraq's foreign reserves" Quote "Iraq's foreign reserves are the highest today in the...

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