We are clearly being lied to 7 ways to Sunday about the current jobs situation. It is a disaster.
People are exhausting unemployment benefits and sinking into poverty every day. They can’t afford rent, medicine, or food. They are wiping out their savings.
As this article points out…it is mostly American-born workers who are bearing the brunt of it…as always. The foreign-born workers are benefiting just as they always do…at our expense.
There are no new full time jobs being posted. I know this first hand. I have been out of work for 3 months and it is just the exact same jobs being recycled and reposted on the job boards over and over again. It makes the job openings numbers look much much higher than they actually are.
All of the recruiters that call me are foreign and offering 30% to 50% reductions in salary at a time when cost of living inflation is out of control.
The fellow who authored this article is the only person I’ve seen who is telling the truth and ridiculing the mainstream narrative. He actually gets how bad this is for Americans.
We can’t continue to wait for the deep state snake to be completely defanged. There simply isn’t enough time.
We need Nesara and Gesara to be enacted NOW. Not next week. Not next month. Not someday.
America cannot afford a near-death experience no matter how good an idea the white hats thought that was. We will need to find a better way.