When someone says to you, ‘Give me your dinars because I belong to a group that’s going to be able to pay you a higher rate than what the CBI can pay you.’ Run! They’re connivers… thieves…liars. What they do is they take your dinar and they put it in a bank account in Iraq that draws interest. They’re making money off of it. If I was you I would say to them, ‘Give me back my dinar, give me back my dongs.’ …How many times have these tiers happened? ...It’s impossible they can give you $5/$6 for every dinar. There are no dual exchange rates. It’s illegal. It’s called money laundering. Be careful what you do…I feel bad for you people… [Your dinar is a currency. Treat them just like you would dollars or euros. If you wouldn’t do, whatever it is, with your dollars or euros then think twice about doing that same thing with your dinar.]