Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News for September 25, 2023
Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,
“CGI is an active member of the FedNow community and is working to onboard clients and empower them to deliver instant payment services to their customers at a pace that’s right for them.”
The Common Global Implementation (CGI) initiative has as its goal to service corporate and private foreign currency exchanges. CGI works to promote ISO20022 messaging service to move their 40% share of the market. Their work (CGI) with the FEDNOW services allows seamless transitions of payment services in cross-border International trading.
© Goldilocks
“The public comment period on the BLM oil and gas leasing rule closes Friday”
When a public comment period of time closes on new rules being applied to any market sector, information is gathered to form final rules to be implemented.
This helps us to move forward with a more clear proposal leading to new laws taking place in the oil market.
The Bureau of Land Management now moves to some of their final stages of reforms in the oil sector. These new rules will give us guidelines to follow and help form a real value in the oil market.
© Goldilocks
Gold and Silver market sectors have a built-in market transition in play through Basel 3. We are still waiting for this to be completed. Timelines have been extended out.
It is the oil markets and green initiative formations of new guidelines and rules that have less clarity.
The oil markets are moving along well, it is finding the money to pay for green initiatives going forward with a laboring workforce that is a growing concern.
I am aware that trillions of dollars have already been spent by several countries around the world to kickstart our new green initiatives through green bonds. We have talked about this in a previous article.
Currently, this is a summary of where the supporting sectors of our economy are at the moment.
© Goldilocks
Structural Reforms to Accelerate Growth, Ease Policy Trade-offs, and Support the Green Transition
IMF Link
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act: Ensuring Fairness and Equality in Real Estate Transactions
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) is a crucial piece of legislation that has been instrumental in ensuring fairness and equality in real estate transactions. Passed in 1974, the ECOA prohibits lenders from discriminating against credit applicants based on factors such as race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or receipt of public assistance. This landmark law has played a vital role in leveling the playing field for all individuals seeking credit, particularly in the realm of real estate transactions.
U.S. Senate
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearing: Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services
September 20, 2023
The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held a hearing entitled, “Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services.”
U.S. House of Representatives:
Committee on Financial Services
Markup of National Security, Privacy, & CBDC Legislation
September 20, 2023
The. U.S House Committee on Financial Services held a markup of legislation on national security, financial privacy, and the issuance of a central bank digital currency.
SEC approves ACEN Corporation’s ASEAN green bonds | Philippine News Agency
Taking Treasury Bills Onchain with Martin Carrica
Al-Sudani: Implementation of the unified treasury account and electronic payment are among the most important measures of financial

Global food inflation worsens
Domestic food price inflation remains high, with people in Venezuela, Lebanon, Argentina, Türkiye, and Zimbabwe particularly hard hit, according to the World Bank.
The most recently available monthly data show rates of increase above 5% in:
▪ 52.6% of low-income economies (vs. 63.2% in prior reading)
▪ 86% of lower-middle-income economies (vs. 79.5% prior)
▪ 64% of upper-middle-income economies (vs. 67% prior)
▪ 73.2% of high-income economies (vs. 78.9% prior)
In real terms, food price inflation exceeded overall inflation in 81% of the 162 countries for which data are available, according to the World Bank’s latest updated food security report.
Evergrande has failed to meet the qualifications for issuing new notes under its debt restructuring plan.
Ethereum has been disappointing since the Shanghai upgrade, Hong Kong to release Stablecoin Regulations
When you take a look at the US Debt Clock, notice the new numbers added regarding it being a ratio based on 5 years.
Currently, gold and silver are at zero. Those are the numbers we want to see change.
We do have oil-to-solar ratios. This is good to see, yet we are still in oil reforms that could easily change those numbers.
Change is coming, and it looks like oil has a new ratio measuring mechanism.
© Goldilocks