Entire Financial System Can Go Down Soon – Chris Martenson
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in pathology from Duke University, is a futurist and an economic researcher. Dr. Martenson was one of the very few scientists who called…[rest of paragraph redacted]
In a new market meltdown, Dr. Martenson sees chaos and gives a hypothetical example: “China attacks Taiwan, and there is a 10 sigma move in the bond market. Oh no, all these derivatives have blown up. These people are supposed to be winners, and these people are supposed to be all losers. No, no, they don’t have any money for that stuff. It’s too complicated. I don’t think anybody understands how this works anymore. I could not find anybody who could tell me the whole thing. I could find people who knew bits and pieces, but they knew their slice. . . . I am trying to stitch this thing all together. I get uncomfortable when I can’t answer the most basic questions, and that is how much risk is there in the system and where is it?”
In short, Dr. Martenson is worried about the whole financial system going down. Dr. Martenson says, “Yes, I am worried about the whole system going down, and that leads to all sorts of speculation. . . . Imagine this, we wake up one day, and the markets are not open on Monday. Oh no, glitch. Problem. Then, it’s two days and not open, three days not open. People are getting worried. Friday, and the markets are still not open. Monday comes, and they say it’s a super big problem, and we don’t know how to resolve it. . . . They offer you 100% value today in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) account or you can wait it out and hope it gets resolved, and it might take a decade.”
Dr. Martenson likes gold, silver, land and basically all (clear title) physical assets to protect you from “The Great Taking.” Martenson has an upcoming seminar with “The Great Taking” author David Webb (and others) to help you to counter the theft that will surely come in the next financial meltdown.
In closing, Dr. Martenson says, “This has been a series of large amplitude blunders that keep getting bigger and bigger. The Great Taking” is the framework built, that just in case all this colossal blundering blows up, Congress and Wall Street flips a coin and you get heads we win and tails you lose. This is the oldest story in the book.”
There is much more in the 38-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with the founder of PeakProsperity.com, Dr. Chris Martenson for 5.28.24.
To watch Video Click here