The RV seems to be closer than ever and we wait…again. And, I was leary that now the jubilee is in August 2025 AFTER an RV. I am not buying what is being sold to the public.
In my Opinion, this could be considered C****s Against Humanity. I remember what ties to Banking told me in passing 2 years ago. I thought it was just sour grapes. We know a Family that started two Banks with a few others years ago outside of St. Louis and one Family started Banks in another State are the largest shareholders of 16 Branches. The 2 local Banks were started by locals as shareholders and has been sold a few years ago locally. I was in Mortgage Lending 20 years mostly as a Broker, sure owned other Businesses.
I am not buying this situation. Something is fishy. 209 Nations are not waiting around for one or two nations……no matter changes in Heads of State are going on. What is going on. I was told it would smell 2 years ago……hhmmm…..
If the IMF and the World Bank are it, conclude it. If Iraq is still the issue, resolve it or fine them, sanctions, whatever. Does anyone in the World know enough or can tell the public what is going in besides continuous carrots infront of their faces to keep moving along. One of my Doctors anticipates the new Money System as does his appointment setter who was giddy grins!
What is going on besides MY President not doing this earlier on the 5th because “we aren’t ready”.