Why don’t you invest your funds once you get them from your QFS account and purchase other property, make the repairs and then sell for a loss and with 1955 prices.
“An 18 year old will have at least $3,109,086 in a QFS account, a 30 year old will have at least $5,181,810, a 50 year old will have at least $8,636,350, a 65 year old will have at least $11,227,255” and these are 2024 prices. Hopefully they will not reduce to the 1955 prices immediately.
From my previous posting of the 1955 prices comparison this comes to a value as an 18 year old $33,380,781, a 30 year old $55,634,636, a 50 year old $92,724,393 and a 65 year old $120,541,711, so you will have so much funds you don’t know what to do with them. This is more like the humanitarian projects for the RV funds.
I think this is all inclusive with your R&R Allowance payouts, but does not include your $100,000 monthly NESARA payouts for 11 years that comes to $13,200,000 total or for 1955 price of $141,722,138 for a grand total of $262,263,849, over a quarter Billion each at the age of 65.
Maybe each of your R&R Allowance payout halts once you gain access to your QFS Account and then the NESARA payouts begin and they don’t run simultaneously. I have not been told, but it looks like a good scenario.
You have the average home to purchase at a 2024 price of $400,000, needs $100,000 in repairs, then you sell at a 2024 price of $300,000 or 1955 price of $3,220,957. You actually made a profit and at 18 years old you still have $30,159,824 plus an additional $1,200,000 in a year with just the NESARA payout.
This is where you either set up your own corporation, and don’t get it messed up with your own finances, or you get involved with others doing the same thing to purchase properties that really need fixing and then sell them at of course with 1955 prices and lower than your cost of all expenses to then just shrug it off as you have so much wealth just to help others, ending with your own losses as maybe up to 50% loss for each property.
You just invest in that corporation or just put those funds aside to not get them confused, but you do know where those came from and not from your own wages, but just your NESARA and R&R payouts.
Why do we need people dying because of an older facility or poor building practices or inspections today to save on developer’ costs. Let’s get the older ones fixed now and the bad ones done too or we just tear them down and build new ones. We ALL have the funds now.
Get the experts in there doing the construction and inspection from the government and then maybe get one or two properties done per year, possibly three, for each of you and make more jobs for others in the mean time.