Frank26 Do you think the Iraqi dinar has anything to do with Trump’s changes for the Middle East? What makes the world go round? What makes the Iraqi dinar new exchange rate powerful? Let’s see, three hours after he became elected he calls Sudani and he sends a team over there to talk about…oil.
MarkZ [via PDK] Praying we get it before Christmas…but if not – it’s really close. I hope the rumors are right and its days- not weeks.
Militia Man Iraq has massive amount of assets… Article: “After the great achievement Iraq efforts to cover a third of the general budget of tourism imports” What are we talking about? Non-oil revenue stream. This is big you guys. Its impact is going to be a massive boom for Iraq. That’s a lot of money…In the past it’s been 95% of oil pays for all the budget. This article is telling you they’re going to cover a third of the general budget with tourism revenue.
Breitling [Syrian government overthrowing and reduced Iranian control] opens up the door for Iraq to be a little bit more independent. They need to add value to their currency. They need a strong currency to be independent and international.
Clare Article: “Get ready.. The exchange rate is set to rise again: The dollar selling platform will stop and ‘the shock is coming’ ” Quote: “There are real fears in the Iraqi market of the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate after the Central Bank of Iraq stopped working on the platform,” indicating that “this matter will constitute a shock, especially at the beginning of implementing the decision and will lead to a rise in the dollar, to increase demand for it in the parallel market…”
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Secretary of State Blinken who just left Baghdad after meeting with Sudani said he was amazed at what’s going on here in Iraq. He’s been over here off and on for the last 20 years and never seen the new construction and airport updates and the movements of cars like we now have. He left very impressed. FRANK: Who cares what Blinken has to say. I only care what Trump and Sudani are about to do.
MarkZ [via PDK] A number of my contacts think it’s absolutely this week…some think not until the 3rd or 4th week of January. But the majority still think its this week. We hope they are accurate.
Walkingstick [Iraqi Bank Friend Akupdate] The USD is what the currency use to maintain the value of the IQD. The USD value on the world stage has drawn down the value of many currencies over the last few years. That is about to cease. Hence, Iraq moving toward a basket…The USD at auction has always been a means for the profiteering and smuggling of the USD outside of Iraq…Money transfers are a fact. They have no restriction on your currency. In country all payments in IQD only. Remittances, payments and transfers only with IQD value.
yada Comment: I have this amazing feeling that something wonderful is going to happen today… yada: I have the same Feeling… The number of representatives going to Iraq were there to see one thing, the beginning of Iraq going international. The amendment for article 12 to give value to their contracts was put in the Gazette and the people are to see the rate change In their salaries.
Militia Man [Budget] Article 12-c…hasn’t been exposed to us quite yet. That’s what we’re looking for I hope…Item 4805 was published in The Gazette and yet to be opened to the public to see. All of this is looking to be a part of the mechanism that is likely to have already established that ‘mechanism’ for the suitable basis for pricing. That would be an exchange rate. That is what we’re waiting to see…
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We are hearing another gazette is missing from the publication. They say it’s number 485. They say it was completed but it is not published publicly yet. We thinking it’s because it has the article 12 items related to it… FRANK: Article 12 is the introduction of a restricted free currency with no sanction to the international world. It does not mean it has to have value but it means that it can leave your borders and gain value in an international basket. Everything is set up so perfect.
Kaperoni Question: Getting closer to an increase in value for the dinar? Kaperoni: Next year will be interesting since they plan to end the currency auctions.
MarkZ [via PDK] it’s [the dinar] kinda half way trading on forex…it’s getting a little exciting as we are starting to see fluctuations. First step is to lift sanctions. But now that it’s in place the value could jump quickly. They are laying the groundwork.