Frank26 …We are in the best position possible. We already went to the banks in Ohio. We already opened an account – Checking/Savings whatever you want…Some banks are willing to talk and say a little bit…I respect those banks. The banks that are telling me that, ‘No we don’t know anything. No, it’s a scam. No, it’s never going happen.‘ …I will never do business with those banks. Never…I’m going to start with Chase…We can go to Well Fargo…
Pimpy I read this book [Quest For Good Money]…I kept playing with the numbers, reading my ass off...This is the formula they use [to determine the exchange rate]…The person that wrote the book said if they can get their inflation down, at it is down,…and they can catch up to their dinar price parity…it should be at the pre-war rate…which is over $3.00. So I did the formula based on all the information they gave me, it came out to $3.56…I said wow, that’s going to be phenomenal…that is worth getting excited about…The study does tell you that there’s no reason Iraq can’t be the most valuable currency out there…The question is always going to be whether they re-denominate or not.
Sandy Ingram In Zimbabwe, the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) will be circulated alongside foreign currencies. Banks have to convert their current Zimbabwean dollar balances into the new Ziggy currency which will go into effect immediately. People have 21 days to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones. It is expected the new currency will have a profound on inflation…The new currency is anchored by a composite basket of foreign currency and precious metals, mainly gold…The ZIG has denominations between 1 and 200.
Militia Man Bottom line is Iraq has about $16 to $17 trillion worth of product in the ground that they know of and they’re going to go after it…
Clare Article “Disclosure of Iraq’s creditors internally and externally” Quote “On April 8, the Iraqi government announced a reduction in external public debt by more than 50%, bringing the debt down from $19.729 billion late. in 2022, to $15.976 billion in 2023, reaching approximately $8.9 billion in the current year.”
Paulette IMO UN resolution 1483 will have to be lifted to allow Iraq to be totally sovereign as it established the US and UK as “occupying forces”…This is in essence “Guardianship” or “Receivership”…Absent the lifting, the US has to give Iraq permission to do most anything Internationally including “currency reinstatement“…I am hopeful that internal control of the money structure is exclusively in the hands of the CBI so they can at least move to the RD/RV stage of their monetary reform…If not, the upcoming US visit of Sudani may very well be pivotal… Saleh…recently stated he was unsure of the status of 1483 according to news articles...
Pimpy There won’t be no in-country/out-of-country rate, just not going to happen. If [there’s a LOP and] you think you’re going to be able to hold the old bank notes with the zeros on there just because you’re out of Iraq and…the exchange rate jumps up to a high exchange rate and you think you’re going to run down there with your 25,000 and swap it with that exchange rate and get more of a return, you’re sadly mistaken…In country 1 to 1 – out of country a $3.86 exchange rate, that’s not going to happen. The variance is usually somewhere between 1% to 3%…
Mnt Goat We are just waiting for the “giant” leap when the CBI gives them the second rate change. This should bring in much if not all the remaining capital outside the banking system back to the banks that need it desperately for the economy to grow. This second rate change should coincide with the project to delete the zeros.
Militia Man Remember when you say Iraq was paying for all of their major construction at 1310 you’ll see…payments were able to disperse out of the DFI fund...Food, currency exchange programs, electricity, oil infrastructure programs, equipment for Iraqis, equipment for security forces, civil services, salaries, Ministry of budget operations – that’s a broad spectrum…They had a lot of things that they could tap into that oil money revenue stream dollars [DFI}. It wasn’t in dinars. Things have changed now…They have a time crunch…Since the DFI has gone into the Iraqi2 Fund you’re going to see big changes I’m excited to see…
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Television is talking about Sudani’s trip to Washington. They saying high security and military personnel will accompany him…It looks like we’re going to go this time with a completely different exchange rate. FRANK: My hope and prayer is he will talk to you about your new exchange rate because it is time to do so. He has given you every hint…every scenario…every option of why you’re about to have a new value to your currency, about why your currency will be more valuable than the American dollar…I am sitting…in great hope he will make an announcement that will add purchasing power to your currency and then go to Washington with that power representing him as the leader of Iraq, a free sovereign nation and not the loser of a program rate country with sanctions upon him.