Sandy Ingram If digital dinars are restricted to residents, those holding physical IQD outside Iraq may need to cash out sooner rather than later. However if Iraq opens access to digital accounts it could provide a modernized way for foreigners to hold and trade IQD but only through officially sanctioned channels.
Clare Article: “New shipping line: Umm Qasr receives first mega-ship from South Korea” Quote: “The first giant container ship of the South Korean company HMM arrived at Umm Qasr Ports, marking the beginning of a new era of trade cooperation between Iraq and South Korea.”
Militia Man How are you going to be able to do major import transactions at 1310? You’re probably not going to be able to do that…They’re going to use the digital dinar.
Frank26 Article: “To reduce speculation, a Sudanese advisor reveals a new monetary strategy.” Oh my goodness they’re telling them everything. THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION REMOVES ALL DOUBT THAT THE IQD IS GOING INTERNATIONAL!
MarkZ [via PDK] I do have a wealth management crew trained in doing redemptions that is working tomorrow. They do not yet know if they are also working on Sunday. We have some groups that are scheduling staffing for “CURRENCY” exchanges. They are letting them know when to be there. So, things appear to be moving forward. I do not know the timing. Do I think it’s this weekend? It’s possible…but I do not know it’s certain.
Sandy Ingram Iraq’s central bank is gearing up to introduce a digital dinar, marking a significant shift towards digital currency management…The digital dinar will function as an official electronic currency issued by the CBI, holding the same value as physical cash but traded exclusively through digital wallets and authorized platforms. This move will distance Iraq from US control over the central bank of Iraq…
Clare Article: “Iraq attempts to encourage Amazon to build facilities in Iraq” Quote: “The Iraqi official explained that the launch of an e-commerce platform in Iraq has become imminent.“
Militia Man The dollar is going to go away because the IMF requires that to be a part of Article VIII compliance….Iraq is not going to be able to do that at 1310. I think they’re going to have to have a Real Effective Exchange Rate based off real fundamentals...Some of the largest auditing firms in the world have been working on this project with Iraq for years…Ceasing multi currency practices…is quite evident what they’re talking about.
Frank26 You should be proud of yourselves. You invested in the Iraqi dinar. Not proud of yourselves that you’re going to make a profit, you should be proud of yourselves because whether you know it or not you helped Iraqi citizens. Look, you bought a “stock” called the Iraqi 3-zero note for a “dividend” called the Real Effective Exchange Rate from a “company” called Iraq. Every time you did that you gave them purchasing power because you bought it with the American dollar…You have kept Iraq and especially the citizens afloat…
MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “IRAQ CONFRONTS ECONOMIC CRISES WITH THE “DIGITAL DINAR.” THE PARALLEL MARKET IS THREATENED WITH “EXTINCTION.” …When they talk about the digital dinar, it is backed by a physical measure of gold mixed with a basket of currencies from the region and oil or petrochemicals….this is a gold and asset backed digital currency. They will still have cash…physical dinar notes but it will be represented by the digital…they told us exactly what they are doing.
Mnt Goat I am going to show you the …events that…can have a huge impact on moving forward with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. These events include: 1. …the direct implementation of the ASYCUDA SYSTEM at customs throughout Iraq. 2. …the “White Paper” Pillars of Financial Reform… we know that the…efforts are all but fully completed. 3. …the issue of the parallel market (black market) and the CBI now tells us they have to “kill it” permanently. 4. The Silk Road and Industrial Cities projects. 5. The US has already declared that Iraq must deal with the Iranian militia…According to the US president, Iraq must reverse its course from an Iranian puppet state. 6. The passing of the Oil and Gas law… I firmly believe that it will be convergence of these six (6) activities above that will get us the reinstatement back to FOREX.