Militia Man Article: “German report: Iraq is moving toward issuing a digital currency to eliminate US control over the central bank.“ The part about the “It will have the same value as traditional currencies”, has my attention to be sure, as 1310 Official Exchange Rate today, is not going to be what it will be into the near future, as it is not a traditional value for the Iraqi Dinar. It is not even close to it. imo
Samson Article: “German report: Iraq is moving toward issuing a digital currency to eliminate US control over the central bank.” Quote: “A report by the German website news outl revealed…Iraq has begun abandoning the US dollar in its efforts to launch the Iraqi digital dinar to end the parallel market.”
Frank26 When someone says to you, ‘Give me your dinars because I belong to a group that’s going to be able to pay you a higher rate than what the CBI can pay you.’ Run! They’re connivers… thieves…liars. What they do is they take your dinar and they put it in a bank account in Iraq that draws interest. They’re making money off of it. If I was you I would say to them, ‘Give me back my dinar, give me back my dongs.’ …How many times have these tiers happened? ...It’s impossible they can give you $5/$6 for every dinar. There are no dual exchange rates. It’s illegal. It’s called money laundering. Be careful what you do…I feel bad for you people… [Your dinar is a currency. Treat them just like you would dollars or euros. If you wouldn’t do, whatever it is, with your dollars or euros then think twice about doing that same thing with your dinar.]
Sandy Ingram When Iraq talks about the digital dinar they are talking about the Central Bank of Iraq’s digital currency, not cryptocurrency. [We] do not believe the older generation in Iraq will accept the digital dinar. They keep their currency under the mattress because that is what makes them feel safe. They have lost money at the banks before.
Walkingstick Trump is getting a delegation to go to Iraq to deal and talk about the oil and rare mineral earth minerals rights IMO…probably next week.
Militia Man The Central Bank confirms they’re ready to launch a digital currency. The central bank in my view has that infrastructure in place at the bank. It sounds like successes are already in place, allows them the ability to say things like, ‘We’re ready to launch digital currency.’ And that’s dinar…It’s a big deal.
MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: Someone…said we should get notifications…somewhere between the 21st and 24th? MarkZ: I have heard that from many. I have heard this from folks in Reno, Zurich and Hong Kong. Keep in mind none of us know the exact date. Stay calm when you hear those things.
Fnu Lnu [Response to Guru Sandy Ingram 03-21-2025 digital dinar post below] It was made abundantly clear that the electronic dinar/digital dinar will be used exclusively for International/ cross-border payments due to the expansion of global trade. That’s the reason for it and the folding currency will be used for domestic trade and banks will use three zero notes for intrabank transfers. There is no “IF”.
Above mentioned Post is below
Sandy Ingram [1 of 2] Iraq’s central bank is gearing up to introduce a digital dinar, marking a significant shift towards digital currency management…The digital dinar will function as an official electronic currency issued by the CBI, holding the same value as physical cash but traded exclusively through digital wallets and authorized platforms. This move will distance Iraq from US control over the central bank of Iraq…
Sandy Ingram [2 of 2] If digital dinars are restricted to residents, those holding physical IQD outside Iraq may need to cash out sooner rather than later. However if Iraq opens access to digital accounts it could provide a modernized way for foreigners to hold and trade IQD but only through officially sanctioned channels.
Samson Article: “Umm Qasr Ports receives the first giant transport ship from the Korean company HMM”
Frank26 Article Quote: “Washington politician said the factions in Iraq are now disarmed” We have captured the enemy that does not want the new exchange rate to come out inside of Iraq. ‘We’ being the United States of America, along with Sudani and his military troops. We’re working with them…When you capture the enemy, the first thing you do is you disarm them…
Mnt Goat [Post 1 of 2] Article: “DIRECT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASYCUDA SYSTEM AT ABU FLUOS CUSTOMS IN BASRA” Quote: “The electronic automation system (ASYCUDA) has been implemented at the Abu Flus Customs in Basra Governorate.” The more provinces that have been implemented with ASYCUDA means more revenue streams to Baghdad. They told us years ago that the Customs and Tariffs could rival the oil revenue, if they could only get it managed correctly. They are doing this now and this is yet another sign of this coming to a reality.
Mnt Goat [Post 2 of 2] …the ASYCUDA system needs to be linked to FOREX to get the most current rates of currencies in order to determine the tariff amount. How can this work without FOREX or some link to the most currency rates, not just the IQD. This is also supported by the WTO, who requires this linkage of data between ports of entry. We should be watching this effort carefully.
MarkZ [via PDK] [Reference Mnt Goat post below, 3-21-2025] In those white papers they talk about lifting the purchasing power of all Iraqis and a new exchange rate. The only way to kill the parallel market is to change the value. Mnt.Goat had a great one…
Above mentioned Post is below
Mnt Goat I am going to show you the …events that…can have a huge impact on moving forward with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. These events include: 1. …the direct implementation of the ASYCUDA SYSTEM at customs throughout Iraq. 2. …the “White Paper” Pillars of Financial Reform… we know that the…efforts are all but fully completed. 3. …the issue of the parallel market (black market) and the CBI now tells us they have to “kill it” permanently. 4. The Silk Road and Industrial Cities projects. 5. The US has already declared that Iraq must deal with the Iranian militia…According to the US president, Iraq must reverse its course from an Iranian puppet state. 6. The passing of the Oil and Gas law… I firmly believe that it will be convergence of these six (6) activities above that will get us the reinstatement back to FOREX.
Bruce [via WiserNow] …it looks like we could be delayed…till the weekend...until Saturday…or we could get pushed all the way to Sunday and get going Monday or Tuesday…All of this is in play right now because we don’t know exactly where the rates stand as being solid on redemption center screens…I wish I could be more definitive…everything else is moving in the direction that we wanted to go behind the scenes…I’m excited about where we are guys. I wish I could give you an exact timing for this, but just hang in there and know that it’s very, very close…