Militia Man I’ve got a strong feeling that what we’re seeing is the digitization of Iraq and its transformation is upon us. Let’s see what happens and see what they show us next!
Clare Article: “Iraq enters a new commercial era and approaches the “path of development” Quote: “Iraq will begin implementing a global transportation system next week, marking the beginning of a new era in logistics services and international trade…The report added that pilot operations have shown that this journey can be completed in less than a week, compared to a minimum of 14 days via the Red Sea, or 26 days if the ship has to go around Africa.”
Mnt Goat The news today is all very good and still moving in the direction we need for the RV and reinstatement to happen.
Frank26 Maliki…offers no value to the Iraqi citizens nor to the world nor to the Iranian citizens but he does offer a constant destruction of your country…that is why the whole world is against Iran’s attitude because it is the same attitude that prevails in the parliament of Iraq… will soon die under the leadership of Trump and Sudani. This is the security and stability for the new exchange rate that IMO is so anxious to come out and present itself to you Iraqi citizens…
Walkingstick Why so many meetings? Why so many times have they met with the Secretary Treasury under Trump’s office? Not once did they meet with Biden’s Secretary of Treasury. So many meetings.
Sandy Ingram [Post 1 of 2] Iraq’s move toward a fully digital dinar represents a pivotal step in modernizing its financial landscape and aligning with international financial trends. However, the success of this transformation will depend on how well the country adapts to the new digital era. The introduction of Iraq’s digital dinar could significantly impact foreigners who currently hold IQD, particularly those holding physical cash outside of Iraq. Here’s what to expect: 1. Transition from physical to digital: Since the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually phase out paper currency, foreigners holding IQD bank notes may eventually need to convert them into the new digital format… traditional paper notes could become obsolete over time. However, during the transition period physical dinars will likely remain valid until a formal deadline is set.
Sandy Ingram [Post 2 of 2] 2. Foreign holders of physical dinars may find it more difficult to exchange their IQD bank notes…The central bank may require foreign investors to open an account within Iraq’s banking system…to convert their banknotes into digital form… 3. …If Iraq enforces a fixed exchange rate it could reduce speculation on the currency’s future appreciation affecting those who hold dinars in hopes of an increase in value. 4. The big question is whether non-residents will be able to own and trade digital dinars freely…Iraq may limit digital dinar ownership to Iraqi residents... 5. If Iraq phases out paper dinars completely, foreigners holding physical IQD may need to exchange them within a set time frame before they become worthless… Foreigners holding IQD bank notes should monitor Iraq’s central bank policies closely to see how they will be allowed to convert or exchange their physical dinar.
Militia Man Article quote: “Integration into global financial markets which will enhance the confidence of investors and International correspondents and position Iraq in a leading position within the regional and international financial system.” They’re telling you they’re going to be integrated into the global financial system and put themselves in a leading position…Doesn’t that sound pretty powerful and strong? Does 1310 sound strong? Like they’re going to be leading position? I don’t think so.
MarkZ [via PDK] On the bond side. Lots of back and forth. Some are very excited and believe they are getting their final contracts…Some say they are seeing dollars move. Then others saying no…And from banks…it seems like all of them are expecting foreign currency exchanges.
Fnu Lnu [Response to Guru Militia Man’s 3-23-2025 digital dinar post below] …Iraq is NOT getting rid of the paper Dinar. The folding Dinar will be used domestically, especially with the expansion of the tourist trade. The three zero notes will be used as Intrabank transfers. The digital Dinar will be used FOR INTERNATIONAL / CROSS-BORDER PAYMENTS! Large sums transferred with little to no friction for pennies instead of thousands of dollars. The Dinar will be tokenized to facilitate real time payments. As reluctant as the citizenry is about using the banks, imagine trying to convince them to use digital money. NOT HAPPENING!
Above mentioned Post is below
Militia Man German report “Iraq is moving towards issuing a digital currency to eliminate US control over the central bank.” Quote “Iraq has begun abandoning the US dollars…It will have the same value as traditional currencies but will trade electronically via digital wallets or approved financial applications…” It’s really good for all this information to come out about digital currency and the power that it has because it’s going to be legally accepted. It’s going to be legally enforced as a monetary unit…Germany reporting on it is a big deal. They have some big banks over in Germany.
Clare Article: “A new collapse hits the Iranian toman” Quote: “The Iranian currency recorded a new and unprecedented decline against the US dollar on Tuesday, exceeding the one million toman barrier to the dollar, amid growing fears of the repercussions of tightening US sanctions on Tehran.“
Frank26 Community comment: “I’m going to exchange my dinar at the casino at an international cruise line ship and I won’t have pay any taxes.” Frank26: Where do you get this garbage? What’s wrong with you? Pay your taxes. Throw it at Uncle Sam and then take what you got and invest it…Don’t be greedy. [Note: At the appropriate time consult your tax and asset protection professional to determine the proper taxes for your unique situation.]
Militia Man To get that smart money out of the hands of those citizens that know Iraq is going to go back to the ‘glory days’ and believe that, they’re not going to let that go. That’s why there’s so much that’s still hoarded. I don’t buy the ’80 trillion’. It’s going to be significantly less than that. So trying to calculate numbers without knowing that, I don’t think you can accurately.
MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “Iraq attempts to encourage Amazon to build facilities in Iraq” At their current rate-Why would Amazon go? Financially it wouldn’t make much sense unless they were ready for prosperity of Iraqi citizens. I think this might be a clue.
Mnt Goat How will this…the digital dinar… impact the dinar paper we, as investors hold outside of Iraq? Any country’s government or individual citizens owning the dinar paper outside of Iraq will NOT have to turn it into the banking system. There will be NO given window timeframe when it is best to do so. There will be no urgency. The banks will still use the paper when needed since not all countries will be digitized…There is NOT going to be a HARD window and a definite time period. I wanted to make this very clear…
Iraqi Dinar Gurus