RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 April 2023
Compiled Fri. 14 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
By Mon. 10 April the GCR had been fully funded and Dubai 2 groups of Sovereign Buyers started contracts with various trusts and large file sellers.
Rumor was that funds have been paying out to various entities since Mon. 10 April and one higher Tier was expecting to be liquid on Fri. 14 April.
On that same Mon. 10 April Chinese Bond Holders received their Q Cards from HSBC (from 12 versions of Chinese Bonds). They would have access to 1% of their funds on their Q Cards also by Fri. 14 April.
None but a select few knew the exact timing, nor when Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive their exchange/ redemption appointments.
Bruce: The new US Treasury dollar will be announced next Monday 17 April. At least 3-4 sources say Tier4b will receive notification Fri. or Sat. 14, 15 April and be able to go into appointments three hours later. The new US Treasury dollar will be announced next Monday 17 April. Bond Holders will have access to their funds at 4 am on Tues. morning 25 April.
Wed. 12 April TNT Tony: “Iraqi citizens caught using the dollar would be subject to a 50,000 Dinar fine. All banks in Iraq would be open this weekend, and THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!
Thurs. 13 April MarkZ, Militia Man: On Wed. 12 April Nader from Iraq said that they were broadcasting on TV that the Iraqi people needed to prepare for sudden price changes that reflected the new rates, and to be ready for those price changes in the markets. …On that same Wed. 12 April the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alaq and the Iraqi Finance Minister Taif Sami were in Washington meeting with the World Bank, US Treasury and IMF.
Bruce: The Restitution Allowance would kick in on the fourth week of April.
Thurs. 13 April Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com) 667-770-1866, pin123456#
Last Sat. 8 April the St. Germaine Trust was opened for the first time in history and the funds in it (containing 3 thousand 6 hundred zeros) and put for use into Trust Accounts.
A fund called Dubai 2 was also opened.
On Tues. the Rodriguez Trust was opened.
The funds have been moving around to various accounts.
Over six billion in Student loans were forgiven after noon today (that’s part of NESARA).
In Canada Chase Banks were forgiving Credit Card debts.
Tier4B could go Fri. or Sat. 14, 15 April.
On Wed. 12 April some people were trying to access 1460 boxes of Mexican Bonds in Reno. That caused a delay in Tier4b going.
On Wed. 12 April Iraq was paying out certain workers in revalued Iraqi Dinar.
Iraq is opening their banks on Fri. 14 April right after Morning Prayer because they are bringing in the new in-country rate on the Dinar.
At the Redemption Center they may offer us the Contract Rate, but if they don’t, you can ask for it.
Even Zim Holders can get a Contract Rate on the Dinar.
Bond Holders will have access to their funds at 4 am on Tues. morning 25 April.
At least 3-4 sources say Tier4b will receive notification Fri. or Sat. 14, 15 April and be able to go into appointments three hours later.
Redemption Center Staff will work all day Fri. and Sat. 14, 15 April.
Tier4b rates are very high.
On Social Security: You get paid on your birthday day. They will be paying the 1st and 2nd Wed will be paid on 2nd Wed. of the month. The third and fourth Wed. will be paid on the 3rd Wed. There will be an increase in SS of at least $1,000 a month.
The significant Restitution Allowance for age 62 and older will be paid on the 4th Wed. of the month in a lump sum amount in direct deposit to your bank account.
Those age 21 to 62 cannot stop working, but will be paid Restitution Allowance monthly for ten years. You have to be working 15 years in order to receive Restitution Allowance.
The fiat USD is dead internationally, only good in Canada, US and Mexico. We will be using fiat money for another 3-4 months.
The new US Treasury dollar will be announced next Monday 17 April.
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/04/14/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-14-2023/