RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR as of Fri. 22 July 2022
Compiled Fri. 22 July 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
“They said that Noah was Crazy, then the Rain Came and Those Fact Checkers Drowned.”
Global Currency Reset Update:
Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon an earth shattering Event. The exact time would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.
On Tues. 19 July several Chinese Elders arrived at the US Treasury to complete the signing of a document, though the document had been changed or modified to a point that they could not accept it. Now the US Treasury was under the gun to revert back to the original agreement by Sun. 24 July. If it was not done properly, all the Chinese’s gold would be moved to a different location and the Global Currency Reset would not be a part of the US Treasury. It was not only the United States that was being delayed. The entire world had to wait. Rumor was that the Cabal element of the US Treasury would likely be removed and executed.
Thurs. Evening 21 July MarkZ: Redemption Center staff was anticipating Tier4B exchanges/ redemption going into the weekend and through the next 4-5 days. A Treasury contact says it would happen sometime over the next 3 weeks, and an International contact says things could drag out as long as September. The overwhelming majority believe it’s absolutely any moment to early next week. I was also told the protocols may have changed on Prosperity Packages and Settlements which may be paid within days or up to a week after the RV.
Thurs. Evening 21 July Bruce: Bond Holders to receive an email of notification overnight tonight Thurs-Fri 21, 22 July. Tier 4 A,B to be notified to set appointments on Fri. 22 July or Sat. 23 July at the latest.
Some Contacts believed Tier4B would receive 800#s to set their redemption/ exchange appointments any time from now to early next week.
Some Contacts said that obtaining Tier 4B appointments could extend from now to the August Congressional and Judicial recess (House, July 29, Senate, Aug. 8), or by Wed. 30 Aug.
However, a major, Earth-Shattering Event like a Solar Flare Power Grid Shutdown, resignation of Biden, Nuclear Threat, or Declaration of War would trigger the setting of Tier 4B appointments.
Prosperity Packages and Settlements would likely be paid within days or up to a week after the RV.
Last week Christine Lagarde announced that Banking and International Settlements would be flipping a switch on Thurs. 21 July – although no such announcement has yet been made public.
Evidently the US switched to Gold-backed USN Dollar currency on Friday, 15 July.
For some time many nations’ Gold-backed currencies including the Iraqi Dinar and US Note, have been trading on the back screens of the international markets.