Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 25 April 2023
Compiled Tues. 25 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: The Bank of International Settlements, Swiss Central Bank and US Federal Reserve Gold Vaults were empty. Banks were closing across the planet. The Cabal’s fiat US Dollar was only good for the next three months in the US, Canada and Mexico. All other countries were refusing to trade with the fiat Federal Dollar.
The Iraqi Dinar (Allegedly) revalued in-country on 29 March and began trading internationally on the back screens of the Forex as a gold/asset-backed currency. It was said that the Global Currency Reset would go liquid for the general public following a Stock Market crash, and the Stock Market was said set to crash on Fri. 28 April. Redemption Staff have been notified to come in to work full time for a couple of weeks starting on Thurs. 27 April.
Global Currency Reset:
No one was privy as to when Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments, but all requirements for the Global Currency Reset appeared to have been met. It was assumed we could go at any time.
Sat. 22 April MarkZ: I have had a few bond people check in this morning…they are being told to be prepared to travel and be in place by Thurs. 27 April. Many paymasters are already there and do not need to travel…..but those that do are making plans right now. Group leaders were also told to be in place by Thurs. 27 April. And many Main Stream Economists are looking for the crash to occur on Fri. 28 April. Isn’t that interesting. So they want everybody and everything in place by Thursday and a crash projected on Friday. There is a massive push right now on news. Usually Mondays are quiet and newsless….but today…news is coming at a million miles an hour.
From the Rumor Mill today– Redemption Center folks got called in were told things are moving forward very quickly. And they only had a few days to get everything completed… and then they will be working full time for a couple of weeks …So they were told to get groceries get things done ect…..they are about to get very busy and are scrambling right now.
The Cabal’s Bank of International Settlements and Swiss Central Bank Gold Vaults were empty – with no explanation as to where the gold went.
As of Sat. 1 April gold-backed currency was the only true currency in the World.
The Cabal’s fiat US Dollar was only good for the next three months in the US, Canada and Mexico. All other countries were refusing to trade with the fiat Federal Dollar.
The Federal Reserve was said to have only monies enough to last through the end of April.
Stock Market Crash Alert: Mark your calendars for Fri. April 28.
Banks Closing Every Day, Charlie Ward:
How the US Treasury Plans to Kill the US Dollar Next Month:
Read full post here: