RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 July 2022
Compiled Fri. 29 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
On Wed. 27 July Charlie Ward said that all 209 countries were now gold backed.
On Wed. 27 July Nadar from the Mid East posted two videos saying that the Dinar rate had revalued, but that new rate was not yet made public.
Thurs. 28 July MarkZ: After being on lockdown since Sat. 23 July, Iraqi citizens were now partying in the streets. It was rumored that the new Dinar Street Rate was $3.28 and that rate was moving up on the Forex. Bankers were positioning Tier 3 assets.
Thurs. 28 July Bruce: On Sat. 30 July the Iraqi Gazette will announce their Prime Minister, along with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate. The majority of Bond Holders have not been paid, but should be notified upon market close on Fri. 29 July. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could receive our email notifications with the 800 number shortly after the Bond Holders notification, or they could wait until Mon. 1 Aug. Redemption Staff were ordered to be at their desks by noon on Sat. 30 July.
A Tier 3 Contact was notified that they would be funded late Mon. evening 25 July. On Tues. 26 July there were reports from two reliable sources that certain Paymaster sub accounts had been paid. These Contacts have been silent ever since.
Last Wed. 20 July the Chinese Elders refused to sign documents that would have released the RV because those documents had been changed from the original agreement. They gave the Cabal until Sun. 24 July to change back to the original agreement. By early Friday morning EST 22 July the Chinese Elders had signed those documents at the US Treasury and the RV was released.
Mon. 25 July 11:49 pm WhipLash347: You all realize…GESARA has begun! Zimbabwe using Gold Coins starting today! https://t.me/Whiplash347/139039 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/25/zimbabwe-gold-coin-inflation/
Russia and China has officially announce new global reserve currency: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russia-and-china-officially-announce-new-global-reserve-currency
Santa Surfing: What will happen when the housing markets plunge 30% worldwide? The US banks won’t get a bailout like they used to! The Markets will have to plunge using fiat dollars in order for GESARA/ NESARA to roll out and Silver and Gold to begin spiking.
Homeowners in China have boycotted paying their mortgages! The domino effect is happening now! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-27/china-mortgage-boycott-evergrande-suppliers-to-stop-bank-loans/101261020
China’s property sales are set to plunge 30% — worse than in 2008, S&P says: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/27/chinas-property-sales-set-for-a-worse-plunge-than-in-2008-sp-says.html