RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 28 Jan. 2023
Compiled Sat. 28 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Fri. 27 Jan. MarkZ: “My contacts in Redemption Centers, who also work in Wealth Management as their job and have been trained to process foreign currency, are on call this weekend. At the last update which was late yesterday, they are expecting it to be a very hard work week next week with the new system… They are very excited about what is due to happen the first of the week and possibly over the weekend. …I am still getting a lot of reports from many contacts with Prosperity Packages, Settlements and CMKX that they are looking for late in the weekend deliveries, so my guess is Sunday for that at the earliest.”
RV Update Okie (not OkieOilman): According to sources, guns are not the only thing that is being loaded and boats are not the only thing that is floating. This should prove to be a very interesting night and weekend. This is a read between the lines message that will be understood by some and not others. The RV has been scheduled over ten times since October with it being pulled back at the last minute for unknown reasons. I do know that on one occasion last week we were within 30 minutes of seeing the activation process initiated: DINARES GURUS: “RV UPDATE” BY OKIE (NO “OKIEOILMAN”), 27 JAN
Judy Note: My interpretation of the above was that according to sources, right now the new currency rates were floating toward a shotgun start that could happen at any time.
Judy Note: Regarding the Global Currency Reset, it is my opinion that:
At any time between now and Tues. 31 Jan. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could receive notification to set currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointments.
As of Sun. 29 Jan. 2023 the Forex will be trading foreign currencies based on their new gold/asset-backed rates.
On Tues. 31 Jan. 2023 the US Inc. fiat Dollar will officially transition to the new gold/asset-backed US Note.
As of Wed. 1 Feb. 2023 the US Inc. fiat Dollar will no longer be recognized as legal tender anywhere in the world; banks will be using the new Quantum Financial System and NESARA/GESARA will be fully active.
On Thurs. 2 Feb. banks and stores will start pulling the fiat US Dollar from circulation and sending it to the US Treasury to be destroyed.
On Friday 3 Feb. all Basel 4 Compliant banks will go public with the new gold/ asset-backed currency International Rates.
Mon. 20 March 2023 implementation of a new instant payment messaging standard by the banks would begin as it was the deadline to have all 209 major countries’ currencies of the world to be on a gold/asset-backed standard and exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/01/28/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-28-2023/