Compiled Thursday. 20 March, 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Trump, with the backing of the Global Alliance of nations including those in BRICS, had a Plan. Trump was implementing that Plan through a process of closing down the Federal Reserve and IRS while bringing in a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset of 206 nations so World currencies traded at a 1:1 with each other.
What We Think We Know as of Thurs. 20 March 2025:
- Wed. 19 March 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: No More IRS? Trump Freezes IRS For 90 Days. Launches Investigation into Fraud, Government Waste. 45,000 Agents Fired. . . – – American Media Group –
Global Currency Reset:
- Wed. 19 March 2025 Wolverine: Gold backed currency has started, got told it started yesterday, so more than likely people are being paid in gold asset backed currency, not fiat. Hopefully, by the Grace of God we will be celebrating today. Keep an eye on emails. Good that bonds have started. People are getting paid on the bond, happening in Colombia. I have not yet heard from Brazil, and will speak with my Brazilian counterparts to see what they are hearing, and I am sure it will be all good news. Good news from Zurich, like Mike said.
- Wed. 19 March 2025 Mike Bara: Wolvie was told Columbia is paying out. He’s waiting to hear on Brazil. I have been told Zurich and Reno are paying out. If Reno is paying out, that means Iraq released their codes. If Iraq released their codes, the RV, whatever form it takes, happens within 72 hours (hopefully sooner). Jen is getting that we should hear overnight. There are lots of connection problems I started getting reports when Wolverine did that things were extremely active in Reno. Exchanging money, money flowing. Different groups of people from those we were hearing from. Once Reno is paying out, then we are within hours of the Dinar revaluing, but it makes sense in places around that world that are important in the process. It appears it happening right now. I have been told of people being paid in Zurich, but once Reno is confirmed to be flowing in Reno, we will reval of the Dinar. There is conflicting info that only two currency may be ready Dinar and Vietnam but not sure, we are just being told this. Not sure if this is the way it will happen. I want to tell you to keep in mind, that overnight, we wake up, and the dinar is revalued, and even get the street rate, it will be a blessing for all of us. Let us not get greedy as all will come to us in time. I have been following this since 2009, and we are as close as we have ever been, but it has never been this exciting. (Listen to audio for complete details).
- Wed. 19 March 2025 Jen: What we got on Monday is that most paymasters have funds to distribute. They will do so this week. Approximately 90% complete on other tiers. I asked what needs to happen to release 4B notifications. We need the release of funds to be complete. I said, “When will they do that?” He said, “Tomorrow” (that is today). Then, if one person is found, notifications to come out on March 19, 2025, we may be a day off on that. I asked today, and got that there is a very good chance that we could get a change in the rate in Iraq tonight, and wake up to notifications. Either that, or tomorrow night. Either way, we have been moving forward. People are getting paid and we are finishing up the other tiers. There is nowhere else to go but up, people. Have everything ready. Keep an eye on your emails as we are right there. Taking out the t********s was an important thing, although we did things politically to stop Iran from controlling Iraq, they had they c***l minions all over the place, in the form of t********s, and Trump sent people in to clear the way so that Iraq does not get retaliated against when they change their rate, and when that happens, we will see rates popping up for different currencies on Forex.
- Wed. 19 March 2025 Elaina: I have been tracking a lot of pieces of data for money movements and watching various centers of influence. This morning, I observed 30 private aircraft fly into Reno in very quick succession. Between 900am and 945am PST. What I did miss this morning and c****t it just a few moments ago was a US Government Learjet that came in at 830am PST. There was also a higher than normal number of private aircraft that arrived into Zurich in the last 24 hours. Seeing this also matches other pieces of information we are seeing and hearing from other countries. This is a very exciting times. Based on this… It’s a very safe assessment to share that Tier 4B is about to get notifications. Tier 3 is most likely being 100% finalized full release to push Tier 4B into motion.
- Tues. 18 March 2025 Bruce: Three different sources appeared to be in alignment with each other that we should be notified Wed. 19 March, with the 800s coming from Wells Fargo and set our appointments for Thurs. 20 March.
- Tues. 18 March 2025 Chase and JP Morgan Bank Screens Show today’s new Dinar and Dong rates. They are still going up in value
MON. 17 MARCH 2025: NESARA/GESARA LAW, Part 1 of 3: Gesara global welfare program. …Melania Trump on Telegram
- After the current debt-based financial system was permanently dismantled, the quantum exchange system hosted on the QFS server will come online.
- When this happens, the public will be notified of the global implementation of GESARA/NESARA.
- GESARA stands for the Global Economic Security and Reform Act, signed by all 209 of the world’s sovereign nations and is the most groundbreaking reform law to hit planet Earth.
- The GESARA Prosperity Program is based on valuable funds such as the Saint Germaine World Trust. Sanctus Germanus (St. Germaine) is an inspirer and promoter of innovations, including computers and the Internet. The fund contains more than a quarter billion US dollars in precious metals and deliverable currencies. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. This means 1$ and 45 zeros. The funds of the Saint Germaine World Trust are complementary to and separate from the World Global Settlements Fund and the Global Collateral Account.
- If people only care about survival, giving them spiritual messages will not bring them the reforms needed to escape their misery.
- The provisions of GESARA are enormous in scope and represent far-reaching reforms to planet Earth that will begin immediately upon the official enactment of the law. When people are aware of these reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their abilities.
- No further change is possible in today’s economically captive countries until the fraudulent debts to central banks and all other banking institutions are busted, debt eliminated.
- All banks that carried out this fraudulent scheme will be audited and all stolen assets will be confiscated to be returned to The People. Throughout history, nations have engaged in f**e wars and debt.
- It is important to know that the dissolution of all central banks will not cause currency, bond or stock markets to collapse. These three currencies are currently controlled by the Exchange Stabilization Fund through backdoor trading by the ESF and the US Treasury. It is now clear that the ESF controls all of these currently “free” markets.
The Real News for Tues. 19 March 2025:
- Wed. 19 March 2025 JFK Jr. on Telegram: “I know many people still haven’t figured this out. They’ve been generating millions of f**e SS’#’s to facilitate vote registration fraud. In over half of the US states. It was a necessity to invent the f**e SSN recipients to generate the mail-in ballots via v***r registration fraud. Then as an added bonus, they set up some of these f**e SSN’s to get monthly checks. It’s a two-fer. Vote fraud AND money laundering. You HAVE to put them together. Because they go together. Once you see this, you’ll more fully understand why some people lost their freaking minds once Elon and DOGE got into the Social Security Administration. That was NEVER supposed to happen. But it did. And now it’s all being shutdown and it’s all going to be exposed. And just think: This intricate fraud system they painstakingly built over the past 20 years FAILED them last November. They couldn’t even drag Harris over the finish line with it. It wasn’t even close. Spectacular failure. And now they’ll never get to use that fraud system again. Ah well. “Na na…na na na na….HEY HEY….GOODBYE! Ain’t life grand?”