RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 28 Sept. 2022
Compiled Wed. 28 Sept. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
Tues. 27 Sept. Bruce: Redemption Centers have a permanent 12 day schedule that was supposed to start at 11 am EST Wed. 28 Sept. That was when Tier 4B should start, or they would somewhere over the next three days. Bond Holders were to have liquidity in their accounts somewhere between 2:30-5:00 am EST on Wed. 28 Sept.
Tues. 27 Sept. MarkZ: Redemption and Bond people were still expecting liquidity in their accounts by Wed. evening 28 Sept.
The Global Asset Redemption Program officially began on Wed. 21 Sept. midnight EST when Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the Chinese Elders) received the Global Currency Reset fund release codes.
After receiving the 800 numbers to call for appointments, Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would be exchanging foreign currencies and redeeming Zim Bonds at special rates for twelve days at specially set up Redemption Centers (16,950 in US).
Sometime this week Stock Market Trading was expected to close down as the World adjusted to the new gold/asset-backed rates of various countries and banks underwent major internal changes.
The GCR will complete by the beginning of the new fiscal year on Sat. 1 Oct, after which exchanges for the General Public would begin at the Forex rates at the banks.