MZ: We were hoping to have youtube back today….but not yet. We should be in out last 24 hours so I do expect Saturday Mornings podcast to be back on youtube.
Member: Did you hear President Trump say April 2 is “Liberation Day”?
MZ: Yes…it’s a big conversation around the world
Member: We all wonder liberation from what? The Cabal, fiat money, taxes? Inquiring minds want to know.
Member: Reciprocal tariffs start on April 2nd
Member: Fun fact: It was US mint for the Coin Act April 2, 1792
MZ: I do have a wealth management crew trained in doing redemptions that is working tomorrow. They do not yet know if they are also working on Sunday.
MZ: We have some groups that are scheduling staffing for “CURRENCY” exchanges. They are letting them know when to be there. So, things appear to be moving forward.
MZ: I do not know the timing. Do I think it’s this weekend? It’s possible…but I do not know it’s certain. .
Member: (from Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat I am going to show you the …events that…can have a huge impact on moving forward with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. These events include: 1. …the direct implementation of the ASYCUDA SYSTEM at customs throughout Iraq. 2. …the “White Paper” Pillars of Financial Reform… we know that the…efforts are all but fully completed. 3. …the issue of the parallel market (black market) and the CBI now tells us they have to “kill it” permanently. 4. The Silk Road and Industrial Cities projects. 5. The US has already declared that Iraq must deal with the Iranian militia…According to the US president, Iraq must reverse its course from an Iranian puppet state. 6. The passing of the Oil and Gas law… I firmly believe that it will be convergence of these six (6) activities above that will get us the reinstatement back to FOREX.
MZ: In those white papers they talk about lifting the purchasing power of all Iraqis and a new exchange rate. The only way to kill the parallel market is to change the value. Mnt.Goat had a great one today.
MZ: “Iraq attempts to encourage Amazon to build facilities in Iraq” At their current rate-Why would Amazon go??? Financially it wouldn’t make much sense unless they were ready for prosperity of Iraqi citizens. I think this might be a clue.
MZ: “Khamenei defies Trumps threats: You will receive a strong slap if you move against Iran” I think he is used to presidents threatening but never do anything…..Trump is different. He does what he says. No hidden meanings here.
MZ: “China flexes rare earth dominance with million tonne discovery” They already control about 60% of the production of rare earth minerals in the world. There have been a number of big finds like this recently. Big announcement from Australia last week. Also Uganda.
MZ: We know whenever the fiat cycle breaks – it moves to commodities and countries are starting to position themselves with commodities to support the values of their currencies.
Member: How long until tier 4b and tier 5 go?
MZ: Tier 5 doesn’t really count. It’s the public who did not go with tier 4. My guess is they will put tier 4a and tier 4b through then a week or two after that an announcement will be made for the general public.
Member: Can we give our two weeks notice yet
Member: Let’s pray that this is our weekend!