Member: good Evening….hope Mark got some good news for us today
Member: If they want to confuse us they are doing a great job
Member: TNT said it’s definitely on by tomorrow morning.
Member: Mike Bara called it for Tuesday / Wednesday on his show this morning
MZ: I hope they are right. There is a lot of chatter expecting it this week.
MZ: “The house of Representatives votes to amend the passport law and extend the work of the election commission” If you read deeper in the article is states the second reading of the budget law was successful!!
MZ: We did indeed have the second reading today.
Member: Mark, After the 2nd reading doesn’t it automatically go to final(3rd)
Member: According to Frank they are on the third reading now
Member: Second reading successful big checkoff on the list!
Member; I read They don’t need a 3rd reading because it was already in the budget and they just made a change, so they only need 2 reading to pass it.
Member: MM just put out a notification that his video tonight should be taken very seriously
Member: I heard Pocket Options is showing the VND and Indonesian Rupiah. (Saw a screenshot.)
MZ: We are seeing the popping up on different aps….IQD and IQD pairings with different crypto pairings….this is big.
Member: I wonder…is it possible for Iraq to rv with Sudani out of the country right now? He is on a state visit to the UK
MZ: Yes Sudani is heading to England today for some dialog. They are discussing going International.
MZ: “Building a bridge of comprehensive dialog: Revealing the details of the Presidents meeting with leaders of Baghdad” there were meetings with Barzani today along with the Kurdish President.
MZ: “Parliamentary Finance: Banking reforms enhances Iraq’s financial position globally” pay attention to the word “globally” AKA “International”
Member: Anything going on in the Indian Nations?
MZ: Still hearing a lot of hope from the bond side who expect things to move between now and the next 8-10-days.
Member: Here we go….. I went to my bank today. I asked if they exchange currency. They replied yes. I asked if they exchange Iraqi Dinar they said yes we do.
Member: Maybe our last week with empty pockets?? We’re been waiting soooo long!
Member: if the RV doesn’t happen in January, back to the shoebox goes my currency
Member: Jan 15th there will be 7 planets in alignment this only happens every 396 billion years
Member: Never quit everyone….we are very close. The wait will be worth it in the end.
Member: Everyone have an amazing night.