Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 01/04/2023
Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: A Wonderful Great Golden Evening MarkZ, Mods And All The Great Patriots In The Room
Member: Good Evening MarkZ, all Mods & everyone
Member: What’s up with all the planes going in and out of Reno?
Member: Chas says it’s bank planes
Member: MARKZ: On PPN News Chas Carter showed al the planes over the country which had a banks co-sign (like Wells Fargo, etc). They were large transport planes
MZ: Yes. Aircraft are flying in and out of Reno ….Whales are there…Groups in mass……its crazy. But no money has changed hands though…..yet. There is a massive influx of players arriving that are expecting full funding… is really heating up.
MZ: Still hearing phenomenal things from outside the US on exchange rates . Whales in other countries are also getting into position. Everyone is preparing for what seems to be the imminent release
MZ: Some of the biggest church groups are being called back in to their seats….so they can distribute …..I am hearing news every half hour today from contacts saying “We think this is finally it” It’s been a very long time since we have seen this much excitement and movement…….The news is fantastic.
MZ: Bankers have been finding that more mega trust funds have been put into place….this is more money then I even thought …Even with Germaine Trust and Dubai trusts…..all set aside for humanitarian projects.
MZ: Some of the big rates…the great rates rumored on the boards may be dead on. I may be the way way underestimating rates…based on numbers we are seeing right now….yes, I’m excited but trying to stay grounded.
MZ: It’s getting exciting. But, everyone needs to remain calm. What happens if it does drag out to the 12th or so. We have got to stay calm. There may be a lot of smoke and more ups and downs…..this may be a very tumultuous time……wait for the announcements. Be excited we are this close…..but stay calm.
MZ: Remember….they may be throwing out smoke and dates to get us to throw in the towel and quit….Don’t ride that roller coaster…..stay calm as we get through the final days of this theatre..
Member: This might be a big weekend!!
Member: Chas the PPN Guy (lol) showed all the flights in the US that were transporting money
MZ: News coming out of Iraq…..This one is important. “In the rain-Demonstrations in front of the Central Bank of Iraq” They are demanding a reduction of the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar. If they reduce the value of the dollar- the dinar is worth more money.
MZ: This new government in Iraq came to power with the expectation and number one priority was taking care of the poor and changing the exchange rate. Revaluing their currency. The Iraqi people are now pushing that….nd the politicians know they have a limited window to get this done. I think its fantastic news seeing them demonstrating in front of the CBI.
Member: Hoping the redemption enters are not too far nor too difficult to book a timely appointment
Member: There is supposed to be locations within 50 miles of almost everyone…except in rural areas….they may have to drive a bit further.
Member: Mark…is there a difference in using the term “RI” reinvestment or “RV” revalue when we go to exchange?
Member: RI stands for Re-Instatment…….RV is Re-Valuation……has to do with currency…If Iraq RI’s it will re-instate the dinar back to where it was before the IMF put them under sanctions…..about $3.22…If it revalues……its will be a different rate.
MZ:Yes…. If it comes in at $3.22 it’s a re-instatement…Any other rate….$1 or $6 or any other rate…is a re-value.
Member: A Patriot said his bank in Canada will exchange dong right now for $1.39
MZ: We talked about that yesterday. We are hearing a whole heck of a lot . Yesterday on bank screens we saw one dong was worth $1.39 US. We could not find any banks that would actually exchange. Rates would pop in and out. Good luck is all I can say.
Member: Dinar Recaps has a post that if they have to sign NDA’s they may have to shut down… will we get the links or numbers then.
MZ: I have been assured by a couple of large-scale banks that are involved in this, that will not ask Recaps to take down their site. But they will be asking them to remove a lot of information from their site …and asking them to send out an email newsletter informing people of this. Recaps and other places will not have any exchange information until the banks send them the notice that there has been a revaluation . Recaps wants you all to know to not email them asking yet…..They do not have information yet.
MZ: I think they do a great job and that is what that notice was all about.
Member: No One knows any rates or date until the 800# come out…. so everything anyone tells you are all guessing because no one knows, so enjoy there entertainment till you get the number!!
MZ: Really cool article you guys shared with me “Silver and Gold Poised to shine in 2023” This is from a main stream ….looking for gold to be about $2,100 an ounce and silver about $38.00 an ounce. This is coming from experts in metals .
Member: Father, we believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty works in the lives of our friends who are going sickness within their body’s. Please reach down and surround our community with supernatural peace and strength and give them the faith to believe that All Things Are Possible In your Holy and Blessed Jesus. Amen.
Member: Definitely praying it happens tonight! And sending prayers of gratitude for all in this community!
Member: Mark, Thanks as always for all you bring to this community
Member….Very exciting news today…wow…can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
Mod: MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 )
The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est…….unless.