Member: Happy First Day of Spring
Member: Good Morning. Is anyone sad we still are waiting? I am.
MZ: We are supposed to get youtube back tomorrow.
Member: Getting youtube back for the big day?
MZ: That’s the plan.
Member: Mark do you think there’s a chance this could go into April?
MZ: No – I do not. IMO, There is a possibility that exchanges could go into April …just because exchanges could take awhile.
MZ: I do have 3 different groups that have expressed to me their expectations to be processed over the weekend. If this happens it is highly possible to see 4a moving over the weekend . I am hoping for more updates on that one.
Member: Then we in 4b would be in line right behind them
MZ: I already have some wealth managers/redemption folks tell me they are scheduled to work this weekend. They will find out tomorrow morning if they are scheduled to work both days.
MZ: I am chasing updates on CMKX to see if they recently updated the fines and penalties.
Member: Will the Dinar show on FOREX after the revalue?
Member: I wonder- Is the I-DINAR on the Ripple network?
Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQ CONFRONTS ECONOMIC CRISES WITH THE “DIGITAL DINAR.” THE PARALLEL MARKET IS THREATENED WITH “EXTINCTION.” The Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to launch the digital dinar, marking the transition to digital currency management. I want to add that this is no longer a long-term objective but something they are to do now. I mean now!
MZ: This was huge news a few years ago….When they talk about the digital dinar , it is backed by a physical measure of gold mixed with a basket of currencies from the region and oil or petrochemicals. So Iraq . this is a gold and asset backed digital currency. They will still have cash…physical dinar notes but it will be represented by the digital.
MZ: There were many articles about it at the time…..and they told us exactly what they are doing. I will look for these old articles to share with you.
MZ: In Iraq: “Parliamentary committee: Kurdistan region’s oil exports to start next week.” This is big. We have been waiting for this and the budget tables. Things appear to be coming to fruition this weekend.
Member: if oil is flowing and Iraqs contracts in country are importing material we should be there
MZ: This one is very interesting. “ 146 thousand dinars per $1,000 dollars. Dollar falls significantly in Iraq”
MZ: On the very same day there was another article: “The rise in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar-new economic repercussions”
MZ: There were two conflicting articles running back to back…the rise of the dollar and the fall of the dollar……this is identical to what we saw in Kuwait and China prior to their value changes. More misdirection to cloud the timing. We saw the same thing in the last few currency revaluations.
Member: is Iraq hiding a rate in the missing gazette document?
MZ: yes. I am hoping we see it over the weekend based on what I am hearing…. I could be wrong. But then so have all the other gurus.. But with groups gearing up over the weekend…..oil exports to resume this weekend…budget tables possible this weekend. There is a whole lot happening right now that points to “done”.