Member: Good evening Dr. Scott! Good evening Mark, mods and friends!
Member: May 2025 be our best year ever!!
Member: I know a lot of people were thinking today was RV day …I’m a bit disappointed it didn’t happened today
Member: Hoping Mark has big RV news tonight.
MZ: I love this one: “Iraq ranks first in the world in the concentration of natural resources” Iraq has the highest per kilometer of natural resources in the entire world –oil, gas, precious metals, minerals, gold and rare earth minerals……and more. Trust me they have value to support a higher currency.
Member: if this RV is a private event, is it necessary for the rate to be put on forex? Wouldn’t this make it a public event?
MZ: it is and it isn’t a private event….If you look at how Kuwait did it. It was about 10 days before they put it on forex.
Member: If we aren’t going to see it on the forex right away, where can we see it?
Member: Best bet is the CBI- imo
Member: Mark, have you heard word from your bond people today?
MZ: I have so many contacts that have arrived back in their positions this morning in banking, groups and bonds. But I am hitting a wall…..getting silence. Several yesterday said they would check in with me and I am getting nothing. Not sure if its good news or bad news.
Member: I am new…. What is the difference between Tier1, Tier2,Tier 3, Tier 4a and Tier 4b re: payment for RV?
Member: This is older- but I believe it’s still accurate. There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel – internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn – the general public.
Member: Our lives are shaped not as much by our experiences as by our expectations. Expect good things.