Member: Mark, Red means you are all Fired Up and Ready To Go
Member: looks like this snowball is picking up speed…..
Member: Any updates on bond holders exchange apts
MZ: Probably the best news so far…… Fortunately it came from more than one source…
MZ: We have private, individual bond holders that are now receiving their travel funds to go and get their exchanges done….This is HUGE.
MZ: We have seen them send dollars to paymasters or larger facilitators…..but today is the first time I have tracked a couple of sources or individuals who have been given their dollars to go handle their bond exchanges.
MZ: This is an absolute first and downright awesome.
MZ: in Iraq: “ The mechanism on publishing data on the sale and purchase of foreign currencies” More proof on how they have changed the currency auctions. All their banking is going through global, international ;y accepted processes.
MZ: “Ministerial council discusses budget schedules and the local and global oil market” They are planning on how to deal with all the new realities in the world…and to make sure the pipeline pumps to support their currency and their country. .
MZ: “Iraq and UNAMI discuss mechanisms for implementing security council resolution 2732” What does this mean? The end of the UN involvement in Iraq……We were always told when we left in this copacity….We would be paid…..Well we are getting ready to leave in this capacity….so we should be paid.
MZ: in order to pay us they need a value change.
Member: Thanks for the great news Mark….everyone have a wonderful night.