Member: GE Mark Z , Mods & everyone!
Member: Mark- what have you heard today? Anything good?
MZ: Things are looking good and there has been a lot of activity today.
MZ: Suddenly a lot of banking contacts have been checking in. Which is exciting. I have had 4 confirmations today from banking contacts that I have known for years….they are telling me now to prepare for new rates.
MZ: One of them said “It looks like that thing you are expecting is happening by Saturday….New rates by or on Saturday” Stay calm though.
Member: Mike Bara just posted….before the 10th
Member: Just saw the Dinar on Forex Mark… It’s there and my Banker from Chase called me and let me know to be prepared.
Member: Anything new on the Zim?
MZ: Rates are still expected to be between $33 million to $50 million per 100T note. Still hearing $330K per $1 billion on Agros…..I hope Its correct.
MZ: “Sudanese directs to finance the Kurdistan region with more than 176 Billion Dinars” Sudani keeps sending it but rumor is the Maliki crew is causing problems . But it will not cause any delays for us I was told. Expect a lot of craziness on the boards in the coming hours that its Sudanis fault. But I was told quite clearly by contacts I trust that Sudani is not the issue.
Member: so will Maliki be the excuse when we are entering February…he has been for numerous years…
MZ: “There is no fear for the regime in Iraq as long as America and the Marjuryas are satisfied. Government towards independence” They are telling you things are great as long as Sudani and Trump stay on the same page
Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..have a wonderful evening to everyone.