Member: Many are still saying tonight into tomorrow for our announcements
MZ: How are the boards out there today? Are they mentioning all the jets in Reno? The jets in Columbia? The jets in Zurich?
Member: Hearing from Reno that there’s no place to park your jet….
MZ: Are they mentioning rumors out of the Reno area…..that it was this afternoon ? My contacts there say it is really exciting and yes…there was a lot of traffic but, they were not hearing of a release this afternoon.
MZ: I can imagine the rumors are Coocoo crazy right now. I don’t know if this is our week…but sure looks like they are zoning in on it. I am hearing wonderful positive things…but have not heard it has started on the currency side yet.
MZ: I do have bond contacts that have gone completely quiet since yesterday afternoon. I take it a positive sign that they are not allowed to respond. I am going straight to voicemail.
Member: Wolvie said BONDS paying out
MZ: “ 145 billion barrels-Iraq will lead the world in oil reserves in 2025” More oil reserves than Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. This is huge.
MZ: “The budget law soon to go to parliament” They are saying its mere days. Another article says they are expecting the budget in parliament this weekend.
MZ: In this budget I was to expect the rates. I hope that turns out to be accurate.
MZ: “Banking operations across India to be disrupted for 4 days” they are shutting down the banking operations. They say it’s because of a banking strike. Is it that – or is it a reset? It certainly is a convenient time to make a change.
MZ: “UBS auditor warns over banks financial reporting controls” Will this trigger a possible bank run or collapse in Europe? I am surprised markets did not crash today over this kind of news.