MZ: Theoretically I am supposed to be out of youtube jail about 5Am on Friday….so I could possibly be back on youtube on Friday. I will not use twitch once I am back on youtube.
MZ: Good evening ….Oddly quiet day today on the bond side. It makes me scratch my head…..I want somebody to return a call…or actually answer the phone. If they actually had their phone on it would be a bonus. I am getting a lot of quiet or straight to voicemail.
MZ: I continue to hear from folks that are part of bond groups that are getting notified for travel. It has me excited
MZ: Have not heard anything on CMKX or Prosperity Packages.
MZ: “Sudani launches projects to rehabilitate electricity networks and expand stations for summer 2025” They are working hard to get rid of Iranian influence and do a better job for the Iraqi people. .
MZ: “Parliamentary Finance committee: Budget tables will no include job grades” I am told to expect the budget table to arrive in parliament most likely on Sunday.
MZ: There are many rumors that the rates will be in the budget tables.
Member: Mike and Jen think between 11 and 12 pdt tonight
Member: Life is too short to worry about want other people think or say about you. Go Have Fun and give them something to talk about.