This is one of the main reasons China – Russia are resetting mbridge and the “UNIT” now to gold.
It points to abandoning the fiat dollar.
The U.S. Treasury – Fed are going to destroy the dollar.
So investors buy gold in the West for 2% premium, They then sell that gold to Russia for a 16% premium in rubles (not dollars), Now the investors have a gold backed ruble.
Then the investors take those rubles and re-invest them in Russian bonds backed by gold.
What’s not to like about this arrangement?
This is how Russia and China defeat the Dollar.
Now you know why China is gold arbitraging China is paying in yuan.
Investors take that yuan and re-invest in Chinese bonds.
Miners are no longer selling gold to the bullion banks.
This is what backs the “UNIT”
Pay attention to Chinese bond yields
China is using interest rates to control the gold price
To encourage Investors and Miners to recycle their yuan back into Chinese bonds.
Putin is traveling the world making trade agreements backed by the “UNIT”.
Not backed by dollars.
Nothing can stop what’s coming.