[Post 1 of 2] Article: “DIRECT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASYCUDA SYSTEM AT ABU FLUOS CUSTOMS IN BASRA” Quote: “The electronic automation system (ASYCUDA) has been implemented at the Abu Flus Customs in Basra Governorate.” The more provinces that have been implemented with ASYCUDA means more revenue streams to Baghdad. They told us years ago that the Customs and Tariffs could rival the oil revenue, if they could only get it managed correctly. They are doing this now and this is yet another sign of this coming to a reality.
[Post 2 of 2] …the ASYCUDA system needs to be linked to FOREX to get the most current rates of currencies in order to determine the tariff amount. How can this work without FOREX or some link to the most currency rates, not just the IQD. This is also supported by the WTO, who requires this linkage of data between ports of entry. We should be watching this effort carefully.