It has been said when you compare China and other countries RVed , the Iraq Dinar will never happen at $3+ .
“It is seldom mentioned” “Why I have no idea”
The Past Does Not Apply to The Future.
In my opinion, “ Intel either doesn’t know” , or “Just don’t understand the global picture”.
The past isolated countries RVing like China “have little to zero” to do how it applies to what is coming down in the short future.
There are 209/210 countries RVing (it has been said in different bundles) . This changed the ball game 1,000++++ %.
Past Rv’s don’t even come close to what the future lies .
Remember what is coming – 210 countries RVing , global bank debt gone , global taxation gone , global minimum income , US Social Security doubling, global coordinated free Health Care (Med Beds), any country that fights another country will be eliminated from the global market , global governments shrinking 70-90% , 13 family Cabal are gone globally and much more .
I will say it again , the past has nothing – nothing to do or compare to the future
So folks – we are interring uncharted territory that assuming is true , countries must RV substantially to participate globally and make this Mega Global Puzzle , Chess Game Fly . To me it is the most exciting, ultra sophisticated Puzzle that will change man kind for a 1,000 + + years .
A reminder of just Iraq compared to Kuwait
- Iraq – 2nd , 3rd largest oil reserve in the world compared to K’s at 10th or less in the world
- It has been said Iraq has 8-10+ times mineral deposits than K
- Fertile land in Iraq is huge , huge compared to K’s minimal
- Iraq has more assets than many of the largest countries in the world
In conclusion –
If Kuwait is currently at $3.25ish with 4-5-6 times less assets than Iraq at .0007ish .
Add in Iraq’s dinar was at the same $3.25 US as Kuwait.
Add more to Iraq’s pot — Iraq, is pegged to be the Financial Hub of the Middle East and or Europe priced less than Kuwait ????
Iraq will RV above $3 – (remember not the 4b rate)
Rates have already been set
Back screens are just part of “The necessary show”
Foks , Iraq is not dictating to the world let alone the RV . Don’t get caught up in all the hype Iraq has only $100 billion in reserves to super trillions in Iraq dinar exchanges, Iraq needs more contracts , Trump has a meeting in Iraq , Iraq Brass are visiting Washington etc, etc.
There is a show going on —– Yes things are finishing , but the Puzzle , Chess Game is already Check Mate , it is just in the final stages of the Global Master Plan .
How are they going to fund all of this ?? So easy my currency friends
Be safe & patient
Remember – Family , Friends and more importantly Humanity when Blessed