So I guess the latest excuse for why we can’t have nice things is because this is not secure enough. We are told over and over that the White Hats have everything under control until we hear otherwise.
We are at security 2 and we need to be at security 1. I live in a rural area where security is -10 unless the farmers are not being good boys and girls and not putting the right poisons on the crops then Vince and Guido pay them a visit to break some of their favorite bones.
I am sure there are many areas that are as boring and safe as where I am. They seem to be refusing to release tier 4b until the bond holders are paid. None of the rich whale bond holders live in an area where security is at safe levels. None of them ever will. By staying in these places they are unduly making things more difficult for President Trump and the White Hats than they need to be.
The QFS is supposed to be fully active tomorrow. What that means to me is the end of money c********n. The sentient alive QFS that I know is incapable of doing anything that is not of the greater good and benefit of all. We will see what QFS is being activated.
It is good to see the Chinese Elders are active again and are said to now own and control all the R********d central banks. I hope they close them all and demolish them.