” The Office of Poofness “
Greetings and Salutations,
Everything is very nebulous and corny at times right now but the efforts of many are being put forth by the white hats, the military as well as the red hats which are making progress in varied ways. Just stay safe and out of harm’s way.
As all of you are waiting for the promise of prosperity the attempts to block mandates and offerings is being handled and the movement is closer to yielding rewards more than it has been in years. We are happy to report this…. It is not a done deal quite yet….!!
The stranglehold is lessening and the efforts to pour salt into the wounds, to make jelly out of ice and all sorts of metaphors are not working.
Just know the gradual awakening is at last happening!!!!
We are eager to hear more and be able to share with all of you more concrete information as it happens.
Hang in there you are a part of witnessing future Historical change……..
Love and Kisses,
Peace On The Other Side
By Bernard Dozier
On these Memorial Day weekends our thoughts
are usually limited to the patriotic after side of
war’s devastation to the young lives terminated
by needless conflict.
We may look at the images of military cemeteries
with their symmetrical rows of white headstones
and imagine that the peaceful scene is symbolic
of the peace of the thousands of souls entombed
there. But our imaginings could be misleading.
What if the peace and serenity of those cemeteries
is not what its inhabitants feel? What if those souls
are still–even after centuries–feeling assaulted by
having their incarnation being ended so brutally
and so suddenly?
The popularity of paranormal shows on television
reveals a hunger that humans have always had to
know what life is like on The Other Side. And what
it’s like is unlike much of the traditional religious
speculation. The reality seems to be that souls are
never coerced into making heavenly choices.
Reality indicates that it is the mind side–the con-
sciousness–that lives through life and death, and
consciousness seems to retain some attachment
to the physicality that it animated. Souls appear
free to move into the light of Spirit or free to inhab-
it beloved earthly environs. Some appear bound
by darkness and trauma into negative attachments
to places and people until they’re blessed and freed
to move on.
So, my thought is that these Memorial Celebrations
might give us pause to bless the dead of all wars
with light and love, and with peace, wisdom, and
freedom to realize that their life is creatively enfold-
ed ,enlightened, and nurtured by the great and true
Spirit that heals all, redeems all, and comprises all.
I’ve been a proponent of watching for indicators of the developing mechanisms and solutions that would be required for the GCR to actually come to fruition. As opposed to speculation and wishful thinking commentary. One of the “spoke of ingredients” is the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the ability to utilize quantum computing.
When you dive into it, a practical quantum computer, as of now, does not exist. It has been suggested, by all quantum researchers, that we are at least a decade away from achieving that goal.Yet in various recent breakthroughs that may not be so.
Qubits are the foundation of a quantum computer. They’re responsible for processing, transferring, and storing data. Effective qubits must reliably store and rapidly process information. This demands stable, swift interactions among a large number of qubits that external systems can accurately control.
Today’s most advanced quantum computers possess only a few hundred qubits. This limits them to performing calculations that conventional computers are already capable of and can often do more efficiently. For quantum computing to advance, researchers must find a way to accommodate millions of qubits on a single chip.
While there has been an array of new developments with quantum engineering, the component needed most is the ability to create a chip that can hold millions of qubits in a single chip. The actual physical mechanism needed to utilize a qubit’s full potential. Recently researchers have developed a way, through AI, to make these chips and other components.
Think of it like this. You can ask an AI, verbally, to print an image of whatever you define. And they print you an image. Now you can ask an AI to make an object as you define it. Kinda like an advanced 3-D printer. You lay out the specifications of what you need, in a chip, and it can be made. Basically you can make a quantum computer piece by piece as you define what you need.
This is a massive breakthrough in the actual hardware needed to implement the QFS. Now all they have to do is come to a consensus as to what type of qubits they want to use. There are a lot of different types of qubits.
So if you want some positive indicators of the GCR look to the factual things needed. The Central Banks have been buying and storing gold reserves at historical levels. The quantum systems needed to distribute and monitor the funds have advanced further than expected by years. Legislative actions have been introduced in congress. (H.R. 2435 in the 118th Congress).
Remember the three things that need to be in place for a country to participate in the GCR/RV/Redemption. You must be sovereign, all debts must be settled and you must be at peace. Think about it. If you were a country, good or bad, and had the opportunity to benefit from a financial windfall that could fix your country by signing an agreement that would give you sovereignty, eliminate your debt and end war. Would you do it?