I was fortunate to be invites to Reno in tier 3 with a coordinated/exchanger 2 years ago and one of 26 Paymasters in the world only dealing in 9-12 zero accounts. The Exchanger d**d 7 months ago. He was so trusted with global players like the Chinese Elders and more. It was incredibly sad, such a beautiful man, so trusted with Billions and Trillions, very sad. Back then the rates in tier 3 were ridiculously high, low teens on the Dong , high+ on the Dinar. I had to adjust and it looks like I may have to go with 4b and that is OK
That isn’t the point.
I say this only because I was at the heart of what was going on in Reno/temple/US-RV with my exchanger, Paymaster and Treasury contact.
Look at my notes below about rate levels and timing – don’t get confuses when prices are said today. Anyone that has been authorized will say nothing in fear of loosing everything. The rates I was told 7 months ago, could be higher or a bit lower today, but still s****d high.
I have been chatting with my Paymaster the last few months, (I have a sizable amount of loose currency not boxes – box is 1 billon per currency)
I have mentioned this before but needs to be repeated.
There are “so many Intel contact opinions” that drive me n**s. We all must remember.
- Iraq contacts are giving info what they see but don’t understand Iraq is only one large, but small piece of the puzzle.
- Bank contacts are excited as H–, but they only see the insane opportunity from the banking side (Wealth Management) and as above, the banks are only one piece.
- Exchange centers are incredibly important but the same –
- Reno, Temple Texas treasuries are active, but are 98% box exchanges (1 billion per box). They have priority and with little to no money in hand, only confirmed not counterfeit. Watch the play on words to get you excited – THEY HAVE BEEN PAID. No one has been paid or paid in full – possibly 1% and my sources even say little to nothing. It is only paid/authorized sitting and waiting for the OK. This doesn’t even take into account timing adjustment for counterfeit.
Another point , the Rate notifications will be in stages.
- “Iraq will declare their in country rate” when the Global Alliance Good Guys are finished with the global Puzzle – then the Domino’s start to fall – and they have started.
- Then – Forex posts – internationally.
- The Forex currency exchange rate should / will be lower than the 4b rate by 2 + times.
- Then – Europe will go 1st then US.
- Then – 4b the internet group.
- the public will never know or be notified of 4b rate.
- 4b will have a rate possible 2+/- times higher rate of the bank the public will see.
- Tier 3 is going on as we speak and 4b will never know what tier 3 rate is. These are mostly Box holders, boxes of – 10-50 100-1,000 +++ and tier 3 rate is 30+% higher than 4b.
- Then Bank notifications.
- this notification will be either during or after the global shutdown.
There are opinions all over the place before the e******n or right after the e******n.
Whether you like it —– believe it or not, Just like all my past articles, Iraq is not dictating to the world – one bit –– there being told what to do.
Yes, finishing small details —
But if they are ready now, the Global Alliance (good guys) will still say we are not ready resulting in a bunch of gossip that means something but frankly nothing. All a bunch of twisted repetitive information over and over to justify articles and confuse everyone.
It has been said over and over;
- Miss information
- Confusing information
- Reworded information will be ramped before the Global — Global RV. Not US RV – Global.
- Example – Iraq’s reserves are approaching $200 billion – Incredibly good, but it is irrelevant, because most the c********n is gone and they are 10-20 times stringer than they were 20+ years ago.
- Iraq doesn’t have to justify a higher market economy – Iraq is the #1 catalyst country of the RV, 10-20 times stronger than any time in history, approximate 10 times larger and stronger than Kuwait. Kuwait’s currency is also a Dinar at $3.24-ish. Iraq has to come out at or above $3.24 and it will. Remember Iraq’s in country declared rate is lower than 4b by 2 +/- times higher. The Global Alliance Good guys) are dictating all – it is a show until the Global Puzzle is ready.
The RV is a huge part of the Global Reset, but we all must remember, GESARA/NESARA are the back bone of this entire RV.
All the banks in the world had to be audited.
Banks had to be Gold/Asset back to then be allowed/linked to the Quantum.
The Quantum will run the worlds entire stock market, banks and all Q-credit/debit card transactions. Yes all global tractions
Add in a global cleansing of Domes/tunnels 85% neutralized with all the high level bad guy/C***l top leaders. Are there small fractions? Yes, they are being dealt with. The Alliance is in control short of everything.
Remember this is a global event of monumental proportions and Iraq is not, and will not dictate to the Global Alliance Group that has (not might) pulled off the most insane cleansing of bad guys and c********n changing the world forever.
Study what is coming is monumental with the RV.
Study the RV with the Puzzle, the RV is a huge part — but very small and intricate part of the big picture.
Don’t get c****t up on rates and when. When, in my opinion the RV will be before or after the e******n by weeks. This timing is different from the past, either before the e******n or after. “My gut is before” —- We are very close and the rates will be n**s in 4b.
I’m repeating, don’t get c****t up in the same words that are repetitive with a different twist with a different dates and rates.
The RV has its place – it is huge money wise, but the RV is small in comparison to insure 209 countries and humanity are safe for a 1,000 + years to come
You will be blessed with ridiculous exchange rates – try to sit back and enjoy the show, the last short ride to our blessing.
I have decided to send another note out soon on advisers, CPA’s, Attorneys and, Estate planning short and to the point – 99% of all advisors have absolutely no clue what I just said above and you need to know that and truly understand or you could get ripped off.