The Young Pretender
The choice now is either to print all the way to a chaotic Weimar reset, or a managed reset with a physical gold #revaluation.
Deliquencies are not just rising sharply with subprime credit card loans, but with Commercial Real Estate. I remember the early 1990s when problems in the property sector laid the banks low which caused a recession. But hey, I keep being told that this time is different.
— Albert Edwards (@albertedwards99) January 2, 2025
We are being primed for the great Weimar print-fest.
“Bank to cut interest rates at least four times in 2025”
Is #gold sniffing out a pre-inauguration physical #revaluation?
More anecdotal evidence that retail #gold bullion is becoming unobtainium.
It’s that way in the Cleveland Ohio area as well recently called all the local gold and coin shops none had even a full ounce in stock. Best was a couple 1/10 ounce coins
— Jedi Hill (@AlchemistJedi) January 2, 2025
As replies have pointed out, despite pressure from vested interests for interest rate cuts, rate cuts are no longer possible, because the UK will not be able to find buyers for its debt. This is what the end of the road looks like.
Printing now will cause consumer inflation to rocket again, and will therefore be super-unpopular. There are no feel-good options left.
This is spot on…when there are no longer buyers (and everyone is attempting to sell) the only way to make plebs feel better about inflation is to…
— Wolf of Weimar (@TheWolfofWeimar) January 2, 2025
Serious analysts @crossbordercap are beginning to realise the concept of a coming physical #gold revaluation. However, they may not appreciate all the details, spin off issues, and ramifications.
From about 19:30mins
This g*****c shows that debt (fiat money) pulls production of finite resources (including metals) from the future into the present. The fiat system satisfies our greedy hunger for *maximum* economic growth and technological progress in the present, leaving none for the future.
A #gold revaluation will reprice all scarce metals. Rationed by price, the digital explosion will then slow down. That’s a good thing in my estimation, because it will encourage space for other dimensions of human progression.
Rationed by high metals prices, cars will also take a detour into oblivion. What will replace them?
New cars have already mostly become unaffordable without taking on huge unpayable debts. Car manufacturers are in trouble, and that’s even without a central bank #gold revaluation.
It looks like China is suppressing the price of #silver, in order to supply the world with cheap, non-renewable solar panels. This will push in-ground reserves closer to exhaustion, and the failure of technical civilisation.
Because China’s huge industrial production capacity requires it. Only when the supply of silver begins to dry up, will this situation gradually change and then suddenly change.
— Bai, Xiaojun (@oriental_ghost) January 4, 2025
And JPMorgan is China’s agent in the west to suppress the Comex/LBMA price of #silver, expediting the exhaustion of in-ground reserves, and the collapse of technical civilisation.
JP Morgan is a proxy for Public Bank of China to supress Silver prices so that China can import physical Silver at low cost.
– Alasdair McleodHere is the reference article.
— OSS (@OSS_SSO_BOS) January 4, 2025
The metals price-suppressing fiat system needs to be wound up asap. Delaying it, for whatever reason, just brings us closer to civilisational collapse.
UK MSM is pushing the fallacy that “remarkable” US GDP growth is a function of tech-driven productivity increases. It fails to mention the unsustainable $1 Trillion in fiat debt being injected into the economy every 100 days to give the illusion of growth.