TNT: Skinman: I have a question for the room, I thought the UN said have the 2023 budget completed before the end of the year, today Tony mentioned that they needed to complete the budget before the end of November does anybody know which one of these statements is correct?
RVAlready: It is always nice to have a budget b4 you need it. But I do not think the CBI will wait for a budget to change the rate.
Ulued: Are we seeing reality unfolding our long awaited dream to be more indepenent………..with a big bank account…….BANK’S CAN’T WAIT
Yada: Yepper ulued. We’s be ther.
RVAlready: Yada, seems they are getting ready. I think imf and CBI agreed on rates two weeks ago in DC… Notes from EU and US state dept today indicate they are pushing for economic reform in Iraq.
Yada: Push the reform Iraq will bring the other countries with them. All those countries holding dinar in their reserve accounts.
RVAlready: Yes, this should save several countries. Especially US and EU countries sitting on hundreds of trillions of dollars in worthless derivatives.
CandyKisses: He is the UN Secretary General. “Guterres urged the new government to meet the long-standing demands of the people of Iraq for reform, accountability and a better future, and stressed that the United Nations remains fully committed to supporting the Iraqi government and people.
CharlieOK: Another shot across the bow by the US/UN to the Iraqi political pros. Good.