I have been in this redemption process for 16 years. Going all the way back to Okies time. I understand the QFS process, the BRICS, the Zim bearer bond process and value, and the cabal reality. I am not a newbie to any of this.
However, what l do not understand is the apparent fixation that too many i.e. gurus have with using acronyms. It seems that there is an over use of acronyms in too many of these updates. It’s gotten to the point when l read updates l have no clue about what is being explained and l am tired of it.
I do not believe that l am the only one having this problem. I would be willing to bet that there are others. Acronyms are the bane of the English language. I have a deep respect for our military and l know that acronyms are an essential part of their culture. But they are not an essential part of the culture we call the English language.
If you gurus are so keen to providing INTEL why doesn’t someone post a glossary that deciphers acronyms? A kind of Rosetta stone. That would be constructive and probably appreciated.