Maybe We The People cannot handle a lump sum of wealth all at one time, especially in the millions of dollars per our Birth Certificate, thus the Trickle of Funds into our present account is common sense.
Some of you that are in the higher levels to get this accomplished should think about this highly and not think it is baloney or treat it like bologna for vegetarians, if you get my drift.
If we actually go to the 1950’s cost of living then our $5,000,000 plus now looks like we have $50,000,000 available to spend for today’s prices.
Or will it be that our mortgage we have now for $500,000 we will only receive $50,000 in an R&R payout and we lose out $450,000 in funds as the cost of living dropped drastically?
There needs to be time to gain access to our personal QFS Account and also differentiate who is who and not let someone who has gained access to our SSN and ID to then have first dibs on our QFS Account funds and we don’t. Grand Theft per our New USA Republic.
We don’t have the time to go through to fight it in court and 99% of the people will never be able to receive anything back.
Also, with the high tariffs, like 100 % is placed on other countries, it won’t matter as if we purchase items shipped from elsewhere with our full R&R payouts in hand immediately we can then afford them with the higher cost and even purchase 2 or 3 of them and still have funds available, but it will take some time for those manufacturers to come back to America.
I recently saw a video where some people are declared d**d as someone in government or associated personnel grabbed the person’s SSN, birth date and / or ID to put it on their d***h certificate and then the person cannot reveal themselves as alive, even when they are there in person, as no-one wants to believe someone stole their ID or put in the wrong info, thus they cannot work, receive any aide, bank accounts, loans or any SS benefits or pensions.
That video is too negative to post here, but it does happen just like false arrests and is happening to many with no just compensation. Even DNA and fingerprints cannot prove they are alive, but they can still be arrested and sent to prison as we have an unlawful system.
Now if this happens with the funds going to the wrong people then Trump, the White Hats and the New USA Republic Treasury are to blame as to not verify the Birth Certificate with the correct Sovereign Being. Some con artist just happens to claim a dozen QFS Accounts and then piles it into one account for themselves or put into off shore accounts?
The harder part is trying to put two and two together with adopted children and specifically when they are now adults where they are to receive their QFS Account with no Birth Certificate known. The Trickle of Funds Available can be something for them till they can receive verification.
Now the Trickle of Funds Available can work well where the New USA Republic Treasury can verify who is who as well as catch any criminals or scammers plus keep a low profile with no masses getting to their banks to get their millions to spend it all at once. Somewhat like a bank run, like they want to get as much cash out that they can before someone in government changes their mind. Common sense.
Now the Trickle of Funds maybe should be a few thousand dollars, with a varied amount of cents, into each bank / credit union account and then that can be verified as to the exact amount to then gain access to their own QFS Account just like opening a new account for the transferring of funds.
Everyone that does exist and has a bank / credit union account or can open one up to receive these funds should get through this trial and error of verification and those criminals on the street that don’t seem to care that are not to receive these funds will then be arrested or put on probation and watched.
This can take time and not all of us want to wait till everyone can gain access within one business day where even then that cannot happen with over 200,000,000 lawful adults.
February 3, 2025 can be the starting point of this all and drop in some minimal funds to your present account to keep us going as many are on record of being honest and it will be a start for our 2024 paycheck withholdings or just a record for each year you have been alive times 100, so as being 60 years old you receive $6,294.45 + odd amount.
The faster this moves the more people can join in and it is not everything at once for everyone and not waiting months down the road when Trump decides it is time.