Now that the Zig launched and is gold-backed, what do we do with our Zim?
I understand we are said to receive a TETELESTAI email but I’m curious about something.
If the exchange rate is as shows, would we be able to exchange nlright now if we flew to Zimbabwe?
I ask because from what I gather, they have until April 21st to hand in all Zim in exchange for Zig and if I went to a local place in the states to do an exchange I’d have to exchange the Zim for zig then the zig for USD, which no bank or place of exchange in the states would have the ability to swap my Zim for Zig then cash my Zig for U.S. dollars.
I hope this makes sense, I’m wondering if there is a way to exchange right now that we just aren’t seeing.
And if the Zim is being cut out of circulation and no longer being considered legal currency after April 21st then how does that work out for Zim holders?